Unit 7 Review (III) Question Preview (ID: 40094)

SS7H3, SS7CG4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Indian independence movement was led by:
a) Mohandas Gandhi
b) Mao Zedong
c) a group of powerful Hindus
d) a mixture of Hindu and Muslims leaders

The Indian nationalist movement was directed against:
a) the British
b) the Americans
c) the Chinese
d) Muslims invading from the North

The U.S. fought wars in both Korea and Vietnam in order to:
a) stop the spread of communism
b) end colonization by the Japanese
c) promote Christianity across eastern Asia
d) find members of al-Qaeda and the Taliban

The U.S. helped rebuild Japan after World War II because:
a) it wanted to generate a strong ally against communist forces
b) the United Nations forced the U.S. to do so
c) the emperor of Japan was turning the country into an autocracy
d) the North Koreans were invading the nation

When Mao Zedong took power in China, the country became:
a) a communist state
b) a presidential democracy
c) a parliamentary democracy
d) a constitutional monarchy

Due to the Great Leap Forward:
a) millions of Chinese starved to death
b) the Chinese economy became stronger
c) Mao Zedong was removed from power
d) China invaded Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

The purpose of the Cultural Revolution was to:
a) persecute enemies of Mao Zedong
b) open more schools and churches across China
c) become allies with the Soviet Union
d) make advances in science, art, and literature

The Tiananmen Square protest led to:
a) economic changes in China
b) an overthrow of the Chinese government
c) more personal freedoms and voting rights for Chinese citizens
d) the reduction in water and air pollution across China

Since the end of the Korean War:
a) North Korea has become more isolated
b) North and South Korea became strong allies
c) the North Korean government has allowed more democratic reforms
d) South Korea became a communist country

As the Indians tried to gain independence, Mohandas Gandhi emphasized a policy of:
a) non-violent protest
b) violent uprisings
c) converting to Hinduism
d) communist ideals

One way in which the U.S. rebuilt Japan after World War II was to:
a) provide the country with manufacturing knowledge
b) increase the size of Japan's military
c) increase the emperor's power
d) split the country into two separate nations

North and South Korea are separated by a buffer zone known as:
a) the DMZ
b) the 17th parallel
c) the Yellow River
d) Japanese Alps

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