Latin 2H 3rd Declension Vocab Question Preview (ID: 40036)
Vocab For Unit 2 Test.
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Which word means 'ship/boat'?
a) mors
b) nox
c) navis
d) mare
What is the meaning of 'mors'?
a) exhausted
b) life
c) tired
d) death
What is the meaning of 'ars'?
a) artistic
b) art, skill
c) object
d) artist
What is the gender of 'animal'?
a) masculine
b) feminine
c) neuter
Which of the following is not a derivative for 'omnis' ?
a) optimist
b) omniscient
c) omnipotent
d) omnivorous
What are you if you are 'omnipotent'?
a) all-knowing
b) all-seeing
c) all-powerful
d) you eat everything
Which of the following means 'city'?
a) acer
b) felix
c) nox
d) urbs
Which of the following means 'audacious'?
a) audax
b) fortis
c) celeber
d) sapiens
If someone is cruel, what adjective would you use
a) facilis
b) felix
c) crudelis
d) potens
The derivative 'potential' comes from the Latin word for ...
a) sharp, harsh
b) powerful
c) lucky
d) cruel
What is the meaning of: felix, felicis
a) unlucky
b) famous, well-known
c) lucky
d) wise
What is the meaning of: fortis, forte
a) wise
b) strong
c) all
d) every
The English derivative 'acrid' comes from the Latin word for ...
a) strong
b) famous
c) powerful
d) sharp, harsh
Which of the following is not a derivative for 'civil'
a) civil
b) civics
c) calous
d) civilian
Which of the following means 'easy'?
a) audax
b) felix
c) difficilis
d) facilis
A 'homo sapiens' is a _______ person
a) wise
b) powerful
c) lucky
d) cruel
If you are a omnivore, you eat ...
a) only meat
b) only vegetables
c) few things
d) everything
Which of the following is not a derivative for 'hostis'
a) hostility
b) horse
c) hostile
d) hostage
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