Sedimentary Rocks Question Preview (ID: 4)

Sedimentary Rock Formation, Characteristics Of Different Types Of Sedimentary Rock And Size Variations Within The Rocks. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which type of rock is likely to show ripple marks and fossils?
a) sedimentary
b) extrusive igneous
c) intrusive igneous
d) metamorphic

Which statement about the formation of a rock is best supported by geologic evidence?
a) Sediment must be compacted and cemented before it can change to sedimentary rock.
b) Metamorphic rock must melt before it can change to sedimentary rock.
c) Sedimentary rock must melt before it can change to metamorphic rock.
d) Magma must be weathered before it can change to metamorphic rock.

Which rock is made up of angular fragments of rock held together by a natural cement?
a) breccia
b) quartzite
c) granite
d) scoria

Which process would form a sedimentary rock?
a) precipitation of minerals as the seawater evaporates
b) cooling of molten magma within the Earth's crust
c) recrystallization of unmelted material within the Earth's crust
d) cooling of a lava flow on the Earth's surface

Large rock salt deposits in the Syracuse area indicate that the area once had
a) a warm, shallow sea
b) large forests
c) a range of volcanic mountains
d) many terrestrial animals

Limestone can form as a result of
a) precipitation from evaporating water
b) cooling of molten rock under the oceans
c) metamorphosis of conglomerate rock
d) radioactive decay of dolostone

Limestone is a sedimentary rock which may form as a result of
a) biologic processes
b) melting
c) recrystallization
d) metamorphism

Sedimentary rocks of organic origin would most likely be formed from
a) shells of marine animals
b) sediments eroded by running water
c) materials deposited by glaciers
d) particles removed from the atmosphere by precipitation

The map symbol of the rock that looks like bricks on a house is
a) clastic sedimentary rock formed from organic substances
b) contact metamorphic rock that results from the alteration of limestone
c) regional metamorphic rock with block like foliation
d) chemically formed sedimentary rock that consists mainly of the mineral calcite

If the size of a particle in a rock is bigger then a dime, what type of rock would you have?
a) conglomerate
b) shale
c) siltstone
d) sandstone

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