World History Chapter 5 Industrialization Test 2017 PART ONE Question Preview (ID: 39861)

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What impact did U.S. governmental policies have on business and industry during the late 1800s?
a) The US government regulated industry for the public good.
b) The US government had little or no influence on business and industry.
c) The US government tried to limit and regulate industrial and business growth.
d) The US government tried to control public and private utilities and transportation.

Which of these was an effect of the rapid industrialization of the United States in the last half of the 19th century?
a) More people became craftsmen and artisans
b) More people moved to rural areas in search of work.
c) Fewer women and children were used in industrial jobs.
d) The economy was increasingly controlled by big corporations.

This term is used to refer to a type of business organization created in the late 19th century that was meant to eventually produce a monopoly.
a) trust
b) cartel
c) laissez-faire
d) pure competition

What term BEST describes the US government's policies towards businesses in the late 19th century?
a) Imperialist
b) Laissez-faire
c) Mercantilist
d) Protectionist

The growing societal and economic unrest of the late 1800s was MOST influenced by
a) The much-disputed result of the Presidential election in 1877
b) popular resistance to the idea of going to war with Spain over Cuba.
c) a widening income gap between industrial laborers and factory bosses.
d) the Federal government's decision to end its use of the Gold Standard.

Which one of the following descriptions best describes horizontal integration?
a) the economic development of the American west.
b) when the government controls the factors of production
c) a company owns all the businesses that supply it with raw goods.
d) a company acquires competing businesses and merges them into a single entity.

What did the American Federation of Labor try to achieve in the late 1800s?
a) control of decision making in the market
b) higher wages and better working conditions
c) employee ownership of factories and mines
d) elimination of racial discrimination in the workplace.

The railroad building boom during the nineteenth century contributed to
a) increasing agriculture production in the Northeast
b) the establishment of trade relations with Mexico
c) dramatic population decreases in Southern cities
d) the rapid industrialization of the United States

Which of these was an outgrowth of mass production techniques used during the 1920s?
a) an increase in the advertising industry.
b) a decrease in the need for female workers
c) an increase in environment protection laws.
d) a decrease in demand for unionization

Which characteristic of the Industrial Revolution contributed to the rise of labor unions?
a) The competition created by immigrant workers
b) The working conditions found in many factories
c) the results of mass production on agriculture prices
d) the influence of political machines on company towns

What do increased coal mining, increased petroleum refining, development of the Bessemer process, and development of the incandescent light bulb have in common?
a) They are results of the policy of Dollar Diplomacy
b) They are results of of the policy of Manifest Destiny
c) They are factors contributing to the rise of industrialization
d) They are the events contributing to the increase of agricultural production.

What tactic was effective in changing poor pay, long hours, frequent layoffs, and dangerous conditions?
a) Staging factory riots
b) urging public boycotts
c) organizing labor unions
d) supporting monopolies

The industrialization of the United States during the late 19th century was a result of
a) support for the isolationism in America
b) The development of transportation and communication systems
c) increased regulatory powers of federal government agencies
d) the growth of powerful labor unions

Which event contributed MOST to the demise of the Knights of Labor?
a) Great Chicago Fire
b) Haymarket Riot
c) Homestead Strike
d) Pullman Company Strike

Which business strategy would a late 1800s industrial leader use to establish a monopoly?
a) form a joint stock company
b) use a horizontal integration system
c) make a contract with labor union leaders
d) develop a nationwide advertising campaign.

Which explains the growth of labor unions in the United States during the Industrial Revolution?
a) The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 proved to be ineffective
b) Workers sought to improve their pay and working conditions
c) Business leaders encouraged workers to organize unions to enhance productivity
d) The federal government supported the collective bargaining rights of railroad workers.

During the late 1800s, which innovation helped sell the vast array of U.S. products?
a) mail order catalogs
b) television commercials
c) radio advertising
d) magazine advertising

Why was the formation of labor unions an effect of US industrialization in the late 1800s?
a) Unions were needed to guarantee a steady supply of workers
b) Union membership was required for employment in new industries
c) Factory owners set up labor unions in order to control their large workforce
d) Unions organized industrial workers to protest unsafe working conditions and long workdays

In the late 19th century, industrialization led to harsh working conditions in the US. Which policies of the US government allowed such conditions to develop and later led to the growth of labor unions to correct the abuse of workers?
a) laissez-faire policies toward big business
b) antitrust policies toward monopolies
c) imperialist policies regarding territorial expansion
d) isolationist policies regarding international alliances

Even before the invention of the automobile, petroleum was in high demand because it could
a) lubricate moving parts in a machine
b) be made into plastics
c) be turned into kerosene
d) power locomotives

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