Density Question Preview (ID: 39845)

Review On Density. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is volume?
a) The amount of space something takes up.
b) How much matter something has.
c) The amount of stuff in a certain space.
d) a substance that reacts with oxygen to produce light and heat

What is mass?
a) The amount of space something takes up.
b) The amount of stuff something contains.
c) The component of a solution present in the greatest amount.
d) The relationship between the mass and volume of a substance.

What is density?
a) The component of a solution present in the greatest amount.
b) The amount of stuff something contains.
c) The relationship between the mass and volume of a substance.
d) To decrease the concentration of a substance in a mixture.

What is the equation for Density?
a) Density = Mass x Volume
b) Density = Mass/Volume
c) Density = Volume/Mass
d) Density = Length x Width x Height

What is the density of water?
a) 1 g/cm3
b) 5 g/cm3
c) .01 g/cm3
d) 3.9 g/cm3

a) ljs
b) a
c) s
d) adsf

a) asldkfj
b) askdfj
c) laskjdf
d) lakjsdf

a) ljaskdf
b) alksdjf
c) l;kasdjf
d) l;askdjf

a) asdf
b) asdf
c) asdf
d) asdf

a) adsf
b) asdfasg
c) asdfag
d) asdf

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