The Organization Of Congress Vol II MAGRUDER'S Ch 4 Question Preview (ID: 39779)

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Who is second in line of succession to the presidency of the United States?
a) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
b) Speaker of the House
c) Senate majority leader
d) vice president

When a bill passes the House and Senate in substantially different forms, the differences are resolved in
a) a committee of the whole
b) an appropriations committee
c) the Rules Committee
d) a conference committee

Who serves as judge at a formal impeachment trial of a president or vice president?
a) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
b) president pro tempore
c) Speaker of the House
d) president of the Senate

How a president kills a bill passed by Congress.
a) veto
b) censure
c) impeachment
d) cloture

The purpose of the filibuster is to
a) delay action in a legislative body.
b) entertain legislative members and keep things running smoothly.
c) shift legislative power to the Senate committees
d) protect majority rule.

Gerrymandering is a process by which
a) the local political machine is defeated by the challenger.
b) the winning candidate receives only 55 percent of the vote.
c) a new district boundary is created to favor one party.
d) marginal districts elect the chanllenger candidate.

This is NOT a qualification for election to the Senate.
a) at least 30 years old
b) a citizen for 9 years
c) legal resident of state of election
d) married for 5 years

A written proposal for a law is called a
a) calendar
b) census
c) bill
d) cloture

Where do tax bills start?
a) the Finance Committee
b) the House of Representatives
c) the Internal Revenue Service
d) the President

The typical member of Congress is a(n)
a) older, black, Muslim, lobbyist
b) middle-aged, white, Protestant, lawyer.
c) middle-aged, white, Protestant, businesswoman
d) older, white, LGBTQ, lawyer.

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