The Digestive Process Question Preview (ID: 39609)

Basic Digestion Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where does digestion start?
a) The stomach
b) the mouth
c) small intestine
d) large intestine

What action in the mouth is chemical digestion?
a) enzymes in the saliva breaks down starches
b) Teeth chewing food
c) saliva moistening food
d) absorption of nutrients

Which is true about digestion in the stomach?
a) The muscles churning the food is a chemical change. The acid/enzymes is a physical change.
b) There are only chemical changes occurring in the stomach.
c) There are only physical changes occurring in the stomach.
d) The muscles churning the food is a physical change. The acid/enzymes is a chemical change.

Where does most of the nutrient absorption happen in the body?
a) Mouth
b) Stomach
c) Small Intestine
d) Large Intestine

What happens in the large intestine?
a) Food is churned into smaller pieces.
b) Excess water is absorbed
c) enzymes break down food into nutrients.
d) urine is formed

Which part of the digestive tract only has mechanical digestion occurring?
a) stomach
b) mouth
c) small intestine
d) large intestine

What is the name for the muscle contractions that pushes food through the digestive system?
a) peristalsis
b) enzyme action
c) villi
d) capillary action

Which is NOT an example of a chemical change?
a) baking a cake
b) burning logs in a fire
c) mixing baking soda and vinegar to create carbon dioxide
d) crushing a cracker

How does the liver help the process of digestion?
a) It squeezes the food into smaller pieces.
b) It creates bile which breaks down fats
c) It pushes the food through the digestive system
d) It is not part of the digestive system

Which is not a function of the digestive system?
a) break down food
b) eliminate wastes
c) circulate blood
d) absorb nutrients

What is the energy transformation during digestion?
a) radiant to thermal
b) thermal to chemical
c) chemical to thermal
d) thermal to radiant

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