Vocabulary Unit 4 Question Preview (ID: 39406)

Vocabulary Unit 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A long sharp tooth of a dog, poisonous snake, etc:
a) fang
b) tusks
c) create

One of the two very long pointed teeth of elephants and some other animals:
a) fang
b) prey
c) tusk

The poisonous liquid that snakes, etc. put into your body when they bite you:
a) shelter
b) venom
c) wear down

A building or a structure that gives protection or cover, for example from danger, bad weather, or attack:
a) shelter
b) fang
c) lap up

A wall built across a river to hold back the water and form a lake:
a) tusk
b) dam
c) fend off

An animal or bird that is killed and eaten by another animal or bird:
a) gnaw
b) create
c) prey

To bite a bone, etc. many times:
a) wear down
b) gnaw
c) dam

To make a hole in something with a sharp point:
a) pierce
b) venom
c) shelter

To defend yourself from something or someone:
a) wear down
b) lap up
c) fend off

To become, or make something become, gradually smaller or smoother by continuously using or rubbing it:
a) fang
b) wear down
c) lap up

To drink something using the tongue:
a) lap up
b) venom
c) dam

To cause something new to happen or exist:
a) dam
b) shelter
c) create

Very strong in a physical way.
a) powerful
b) create
c) intruders

People who enter a place without permission, often secretly.
a) seal
b) intruders
c) fang

To provide someone or something with something that they need or want, especially in large quantities.
a) create
b) lodge
c) supply

To fill a hole or cover something so that air or liquid does not get in or out.
a) seal
b) tusk
c) venom

Becoming unsteady and falling down, or causing someone to do this.
a) lap up
b) toppling
c) fend off

The main building at a hotel in the country, where people stay especially to do sports or outdoor activities.
a) venom
b) pierce
c) lodge

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