WH Chapter 1 The First Cultures Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 39300)

This Is The First Part Of The Review For Chapter 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is Technology?
a) the use of tools and skills to meet practical human needs.
b) the chipping of pieces of the edges.
c) to train something to be useful to people.
d) to move to a new place to live.

What does migrate mean?
a) to move to a new place to live.
b) to train something to be useful to people.
c) the use of tools and skills to meet practical human needs.
d) the chipping of pieces of the edges.

What does domesticate mean?
a) to train something to be useful to people.
b) to move to a new place to live.
c) the use of tools and skills to meet practical human needs.
d) the chipping of pieces of the edges.

During which period did people begin to settle in one place?
a) Neolithic Era
b) Paleolithic Era
c) The Stone Age
d) The Bronze Age

Early hunter-gatherer societies can be described by which of the following statements?
a) They frequently moved their physical location.*
b) They got most of their food by growing it themselves.
c) They had a lot of food that they took with them from place to place.
d) All of the above.

How did the early people use their environment to survive?
a) They gathered wild plants and hunted animals.
b) They had a lot of food that they took with them from place to place.
c) They relied on the help of other people.
d) They couldn’t figure out how to best use the environment so they had a hard life.

How did flaking help early people to make better tools?
a) It made them sharper and helped to shape them.
b) It made them compete for the best tools.
c) It gave them something to do when they were bored.
d) All of the above.

Which of the following was necessary for early settlements?
a) close water sources
b) warm weather
c) lots of metals
d) None of the above.

People made early tools from ________
a) Stone
b) Metal
c) Plastic
d) Bronze

When people learned to grow crops and raise animals they were able to _____________
a) Settle in one area
b) Move from place to place to find the best land
c) Relax
d) None of the above.

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