Review For Myers Family Question Preview (ID: 39218)

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mainly, or mostly
a) predominantly
b) tension
c) credit
d) aspect

part or element
a) aspect
b) predominantly
c) tension
d) credit

what does the obediently mean in the sentence below? The child obediently followed his parents around the store.
a) in a cooperative way
b) To cry and throw a tantrum
c) to not listen and argue
d) to listen only part of the time

What does the word recently mean in the sentence? Johnny recently stayed home from school, because he was sick.
a) not long ago
b) in a few days
c) in the afternoon
d) with concern

what does the word cowardly mean in the sentence? The show is about a cowardly dog that needs to learn how to be brave.
a) full of fear
b) lacks friends
c) has little strength
d) to be full of courage

Which of these is a fact from the story?
a) Walter Myers and his family lived in Jersey City in the 1970's
b) Walter Myers and his family had a great life in Jersey City
c) Walter was lucky to have teachers who wanted to help him
d) Walter Myers made a wise career choice

Which of these is an opinion from the story?
a) He was not a good athlete.
b) He could read at the age of 4
c) He wrote many books
d) He was younger than his classmates

Which of these is an opinion from the story?
a) He was very cool
b) Pick him up
c) In the afternoon
d) In the late morning

What technique does the author use to achieve his purpose and tell the story?
a) He uses the family's anecdotes or short stories
b) He mainly uses jokes to tell the story
c) He uses a lot of different languages
d) He mostly uses poems

What is this phrase from the story foreshadowing? From a young age, Christopher took part in conversations about Walter's books.
a) That the father and son will work together one day
b) That the dad will draw pictures for the son
c) That the mom will like art and the son will not
d) the son will write all of his dads books

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