South America 2 Question Preview (ID: 39177)

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What is the most commonly consumed drug?
a) Marijuana
b) Cocaine
c) Opiods
d) Meth

What individual was responsible for the drug trade exploding in Colombia?
a) Felipe Hidalgo
b) Pablo Escobar
c) Simon Bolivar
d) El Chapo (Skeet Pa pa pa!)

How are drugs mostly seized by authorities?
a) airplane
b) Boat
c) Car/Truck
d) Mules

Why are people fighting in Brazil over urban sprawl?
a) Many groups want to use the Amazon Rainforest's space but others do not.
b) The government made a deal with the U.S. for aid.
c) The people are wanting to expand their businesses but the government won't let them do it in the cities/
d) There are groups who want to use land along the coast but much of it is used.

Which is not a pull factor?
a) Economic Opportunity
b) War
c) Safety
d) Hospitals

What happened to water prices in Bolivia after the water rights were sold to Aguas de Tunari?
a) They dropped
b) They stayed the same.
c) They rose drastically

What do judges have have criminals do instead of going to jail to make up for their crimes?
a) Restitution - work to make up for crime
b) Rehab- Go to a medical facility
c) Incarceration- send them to jail
d) Probation- House arrest

What crop is traditionally important to Mexican farmers?
a) Tomatoes
b) Corn
c) Rice
d) Potato

What did not occur in Bolivia after Bechtel, Aguas del Tunari, took over?
a) People protested
b) People petitioned the government
c) People tried to collect their own water
d) The goverment refunded Bechtel and sold the rights to someone else

Which interest group/resource practice is the most harmful in the use of rainforest?
a) Loggers
b) Rubbers
c) Environmental Groups
d) Cattle Ranchers

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