Spanish 3 Test Question Preview (ID: 39044)

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What is the feminine singular way to say this
a) Este
b) Esta
c) Esa
d) Ese

What is the masculine singular way to say that
a) Este
b) Esta
c) Esa
d) Ese

How would you say that (feminine plural) thing way over there
a) Aquel
b) Aquella
c) Aquellos
d) Aquellas

Which of these is NOT a conditional tense
a) ría
b) ré
c) ríamos
d) rías

Which word is They would write
a) Escribiría
b) Escribirén
c) Escribirían
d) Escribirán

What is the word for skyscraper
a) Rascacielos
b) Edificio
c) Hierba
d) Semaforo

What is the word for orchard
a) Vaca
b) Caballo
c) Huerta
d) Cosecha

What is the word for livestock
a) Cosecha
b) Huerta
c) Ganado
d) Esquina

How would you say stoplight
a) Esquina
b) Granja
c) Acera
d) Semaforo

How do you say towards
a) Una vez alli
b) Cuando
c) Hacia
d) De vez en cuando

How do you say crosswalk
a) Acera
b) Hierba
c) Semaforo
d) Cruce

What is repelente de insectos
a) Tent
b) Compass
c) Bug spray
d) Binoculars

Which is the word for thunder
a) Trueno
b) Relampago
c) Caer granizo
d) Tormenta

How would you say hail
a) Granize
b) Caer granizo
c) Nieve
d) Granizo

What is the word for dawn
a) Sierra
b) Amanacer
c) Dejar de
d) Anochecer

What does refugiarse mean
a) To support refugees
b) to climb
c) To hail
d) To take shelter

What is the word for farm worker
a) Peaton
b) Heno
c) Granja
d) Campesino

What is the word for pedestrian
a) Peon
b) Campesino
c) Refugio
d) Peaton

What is the word for pig
a) caballo
b) Vaca
c) Gallina
d) cerdo

What is the word for to take a stroll
a) Andar
b) Caminar
c) Dar un paseo
d) Caer granizo

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