Cells Review Question Preview (ID: 39014)
Cell Organelles Review.
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stores food, water, and wastes
a) nucleus
b) vacuoles
c) cell membrane
d) mitochondria
green pigment found in chloroplasts
a) cell wall
b) cellulose
c) chlorophyll
d) chloroform
cell's powerhouse
a) vacuole
b) exoskeleton
c) endoplasmic reticulum
d) mitochondria
transport facility for the cell
a) OR
b) ER
c) IR
d) golgi bodies
something only plant cells have
a) cell membrane
b) nucleus
c) cell wall
d) ribosomes
protein-making factories of the cell
a) ribosomes
b) lysosomes
c) chromosomes
d) DNA
when energy is required to move certain molecules across the cell membrane
a) active transport
b) passive transport
c) photosynthesis
d) metabolism
first scientist to use the term cell
a) Leeuwenhoek
b) Hooke
c) Newton
d) Kelvin
How many major components of the cell theory are there?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 45
Which type of cells have chloroplasts?
a) animal cells only
b) plant cells only
c) both plant and animal cells
Cell walls give _________ cells a rigid, box-like shape.
a) plant
b) animal
What is produced during photosynthesis?
a) glucose and oxygen
b) oxygen and carbon dioxide
c) water and carbon dioxide
d) oxygen and light
the movement of molecules from higher to lower concentration
a) metabolism
b) confusion
c) differentiation
d) diffusion
Prokaryotic cells are very ______________.
a) large
b) simple
c) complex
cell's garbage and recycling facility
a) waste management
b) ER
c) lysosome
d) golgi bodies
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