Unit 2 Exploration And Colonization Question Preview (ID: 38981)

Unit 2 Exploration And Colonization. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is an import?
a) goods brought from another country for sale or use
b) goods sent to other countries for sale or use
c) a colonist who agreed to work for 5-7 years in exchange for the voyage, land, and freedom
d) dependence on each other to meet needs and wants

What did Samuel de Champlain establish as the governor of New France?
a) fishing port
b) blacksmith shop
c) fur trading post
d) dates and figs post

What is an indentured servant?
a) a colonist who agreed to work for 5-7 years in exchange for the voyage, land, and freedom
b) a slave who was forced to work on a plantation
c) dependence on each other to meet needs and wants
d) a religious movement of the 1600s

John Cabot didn't find the Northwest Passage, but what did he find?
a) gold
b) silver
c) copper
d) fish

What was Virginia's first cash crop?
a) maize
b) potatoes
c) tobacco
d) tomatoes

What did the Spaniard Juan Ponce de Leon search for in Florida?
a) fountain of youth
b) gold
c) disease
d) rich soil

What is a missionary's main goal?
a) convert or persuade others in religious beleifs
b) build communities
c) explore new areas
d) build a canal to connect two oceans

What was the Northwest Passage?
a) all water route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
b) far edge of a settled area
c) the movement of animals, plants, and disease across the Atlantic Ocean
d) military partner

What is the frontier?
a) far edge of a settled area
b) a political partner
c) water route connecting two oceans
d) persuade others in religious beliefs

What is an ally?
a) persuade others in religious beliefs
b) political or military partner
c) water route connecting two oceans
d) a region controlled by a distant country

Which Empire was divided and had civil war?
a) Aztecs
b) Mayans
c) Jews
d) Incas

What was the Columbian Exchange?
a) the movement of animals, plants, and disease across the Atlantic Ocean
b) the movement of animals, plants, and disease across the Indian Ocean
c) all water route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
d) far edge of a settled area

Which conquistador conquered the Incas?
a) Pizarro
b) Coronado
c) Cortes
d) Columbus

Which city was the capital of the Aztec Empire?
a) Cuzco
b) Plymouth
c) Jerusalem
d) Tenochtitlan

Which conquistador conquered the Aztecs?
a) Pizarro
b) Coronado
c) Verrazano
d) Cortes

Which 3 religions fought for control of Jerusalem in the The Crusades?
a) Buddhists, Christians, Muslims
b) Confucianism, Jews, Muslims
c) Jews, Christians, Muslims
d) Druidism, Jews, Muslims

What is an empire?
a) a region controlled by a distant country
b) The Crusades
c) journey with a special purpose
d) several territories or nations ruled by one ruler

What is a merchant?
a) one who buys and sells goods
b) journey with a special purpose
c) several territories or nations ruled by one ruler
d) a warrior in the Crusades

What is an expedition?
a) one who sells and buys goods
b) journey with a special purpose
c) finding direction and sea routes
d) a region controlled by a distant country

What is a colony?
a) journey with a special purpose
b) one region controlled by a distant country
c) several territories or nations ruled by one ruler

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