Cause And Effect 2 Question Preview (ID: 38974)

Read Each Paragraph And Answer The Cause And Effect Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cole drives a tractor trailer. He travels all over the country delivering goods. He meets many people and has made a lot of new friends. Cause: Cole drives a tractor trailer. What is the effect:
a) Cole likes his job.
b) Cole meets many people.
c) Cole wishes he had a different job.

Heidi’s birthday was Saturday. At her party she ate three hot dogs, 2 pieces of pizza and a large slice of cake. That night Heidi’s stomach began to hurt. Cause: Heidi ate a lot of food at her party. What was the effect:
a) Heidi had fun at her party.
b) Heidi likes chocolate cake best.
c) Heidi’s stomach began to hurt.

Kara was having trouble seeing the board in class. She also started walking into things. Her mom took her to the eye doctor and she came home with a new pair of pink eyeglasses. Cause: Kara was having trouble seeing the board. What was the effect:
a) Kara does well in school.
b) Kara loves the color pink.
c) Kara got a pair of eyeglasses.

A rainbow forms when sunlight shines through the raindrops. The raindrops reflect the sunlight. A rainbow is a full circle but you can only see half of it from the ground. Effect: A rainbow forms. What is the cause:
a) Sunlight shines through the raindrops.
b) It rains for a long time.
c) The sun is hidden behind clouds.

When David woke up he didn’t feel good. He had a fever and his body ached. David’s mom called the doctor and made an appointment for him to be seen that afternoon. Effect: David’s mom made him a doctor’s appointment. What was the cause:
a) David had a fever.
b) David’s sister was sick.
c) David woke up feeling great.

We heard a loud noise. “What was that?” mom asked. I ran to the window and looked outside. A tree limb had fallen in the storm and landed on our car! There was glass all over the place. Effect: A tree limb fell and landed on our car. What was the cau
a) Mom was startled by a loud noise.
b) There was a storm.
c) The storm knocked out the electricity.

While we were at the pool lightning flashed in the sky and thunder rumbled. The life guard told everyone to get out of the pool until the storm was over. Effect: Everyone had to get out of the pool. What was the cause:
a) It was time for lunch.
b) The pool was closing.
c) There was thunder and lightning.

Tyler put the cookies into the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes. His friend called him and Tyler lost track of time. Suddenly he could smell something burning. Cause: Tyler’s friend called him. What is the effect:
a) Tyler made sugar cookies.
b) Tyler set the timer for 10 minutes.
c) Tyler burned the cookies.

Kara was having trouble seeing the board in class. She also started walking into things. Her mom took her to the eye doctor and she came home with a new pair of pink eyeglasses. Cause: Kara was having trouble seeing the board. What was the effect:
a) Kara does well in school.
b) Kara loves the color pink.
c) Kara got a pair of eyeglasses.

Cliff was in a hurry to get to lunch. He forgot to turn in his test when he finished with it. After lunch his teacher asked where his test was. He looked on his desk but it was gone. Effect: Cliff forgot to turn in his test. What was the cause:
a) Cliff was in a hurry to get to lunch.
b) Cliff didn’t take the test.
c) Cliff forgot to study for the test.

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