Reformation 3b And 3c Question Preview (ID: 38894)

France, Germany, Effects, Counter. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

During the French Reformation, which religious leader changed the focus of the Thirty  Years' War from a religious conflict to a political conflict?
a) Cardinal Jon Patel
b) Cardinal John Paul
c) Cardinal Louis Franc
d) Cardinal Richelieu

During the Reformation, in which country did the Hapsburg family continue to support  the Roman Catholic Church?
a) Germany
b) England
c) France
d) Italy

The Edict of Nantes granted freedom of worship to the —
a) Huguenots
b) Jesuits
c) Lutheran
d) Calvinists

Why did the Catholic Church start the Inquisition?
a) reinforce Catholic doctrine
b) convert native americans
c) punish priests
d) praise Protestants

The Society of Jesus was formed to —
a) replace the pope
b) spread Catholic doctrine
c) spread Protestant ideas
d) train for war

During the Reformation, which Austrian family continued to support the Roman  Catholic Church?
a) Tudor
b) Grimbaldi
c) Cabot
d) Hapsburg

Council of Trent, Society of Jesus, Inquisition
a) Protestant Reformation
b) Edict of Nantes
c) Counter-Reformation
d) Enlightenment

The Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation by launching 
a) a military campaign to the Holy 
b) a writing campaign against the Pope
c) a naval blockade of England
d) the Catholic Counter-Reformation

To whom did the Catholic monarchy grant freedom of worship by the Edict of Nantes?
a) Huguenots
b) Buddhists
c) Muslims
d) Lutherans

In which area did Princes convert to Protestantism during the Reformation, ending  authority of the Pope in their states?
a) southern France
b) Spain
c) Northern Germany
d) Russia

Who was executed because he criticized corruption in the Catholic Church?
a) Henry VIII
b) Luther
c) Jan Huss
d) John Calvin

The Thirty Years' War was between which religious sects?
a) Protestants and Catholics
b) Muslims and Protestants
c) Martin Luther and John Calvin
d) Muslims and Catholics

The ideas of the Protestant Reformation were spread by what new invention?
a) printing press
b) compass
c) Biblical press
d) university system

The Bible was printed in all of these languages EXCEPT —
a) French
b) Italian
c) German
d) English

Which word is the best synonym for secular?
a) smart
b) strong
c) religious
d) worldly

What was the first book printed using Johann Gutenberg's new printing press?
a) the Bible
b) 95 Thesis
c) papal edicts
d) Aristotle's On Logic

Which aspect of society did NOT grow during the Protestant Reformation?
a) secularism
b) religius toleration
c) individualism
d) racism

The printing press led to
a) increased intolerance
b) increased literacy
c) more religious authority
d) less education

The Edict of Nantes gave freedom of
a) religion
b) petition
c) press
d) speech

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