Writing Term Review Question Preview (ID: 38854)

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Where does the topic sentence belong?
a) At the beginning of the paragraph
b) At the end of the paragraph
c) In the middle of the paragraph
d) In the title

Where does the concluding sentence belong?
a) At the beginning of the paragraph
b) At the end of the paragraph
c) In the middle of the paragraph
d) In the title

A simple sentence contains ____________.
a) One independent clause and one dependent clause
b) Two independent clauses
c) One independent clause
d) Two independent clause and one or more dependent clauses

A compound sentences contains _______________.
a) One independent clause
b) Two independent clauses
c) Two dependent clauses
d) One independent clause and one dependent clause

A complex sentence contains ______________.
a) One independent clause and one dependent clause
b) Two independent clauses
c) Two independent clauses and one dependent clause
d) Two dependent clauses

A transition _______________.
a) Should be used in every sentence
b) Shows the relationship between ideas
c) Should be used at the end of paragraph
d) makes your writing weaker

Tone describes ________________.
a) how someone writes (formally, informally, etc.)
b) narrative writing.
c) how to write a body paragraph
d) a type of attention-getter

A counterargument is when _______________.
a) someone writes an argumentative essay.
b) the writer provides a solution.
c) the writer addresses the other side of the debate.
d) the writer uses too many body paragraphs

A rebuttal is when ______________.
a) The writer addresses the thoughts of the other side of the debate.
b) the writer provides a solution for the counterargument
c) you end your essay with a conclusion
d) you begin the proofreading process.

Expository writing involves ______________.
a) writing about information.
b) writing an argument.
c) writing to entertain
d) writing to share your thoughts and feelings

Narrative writing involves_____________
a) writing to entertain
b) writing to persuade
c) writing to argue
d) writing to share information

Compound- Complex sentences contain
a) one independent clause
b) two dependent clauses
c) two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses
d) one dependent clause

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