Root Words Question Preview (ID: 38818)

Practice With Roots, Prefixes And Suffixes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The root word Aqua means
a) water
b) land
c) air
d) none of these

The prefix re means
a) again
b) for the first time
c) for the third time
d) for the fourth time

The root word ped means
a) feet
b) beauty
c) none of these
d) face

the prefix pre means
a) before
b) after
c) during
d) never

root words are
a) words used to make new words
b) parts of words put onto the beginning of other words to change their meaning
c) parts of words put onto the ends of other words to change their meaning
d) None of these

Prefixes are
a) words used to make new words
b) parts of words put onto the beginning of other words to change their meaning
c) parts of words put onto the ends of other words to change their meaning
d) None of these

suffixes are
a) words used to make new words
b) parts of words put onto the beginning of other words to change their meaning
c) parts of words put onto the ends of other words to change their meaning
d) none of these

The prefix post means
a) before
b) after
c) during
d) never

The word min/mini means
a) small
b) large
c) medium
d) All of these

the word mono means
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) many

the word bi means
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) many

the root word theo means
a) god
b) a person's name
c) belief in
d) many

the suffix ism means
a) god
b) person's name
c) belief in
d) many

Poly means
a) god
b) a person's name
c) belief in
d) many

Di means
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) many

bio means
a) science
b) life
c) animal
d) all of these

anti means
a) for
b) against
c) happy
d) angry

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