Number The Stars Section 2 Question Preview (ID: 38757)
Section 1 2 Questions.
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Without leather, shoes were made out of what?
a) chicken skin
b) fish skin
c) wood
d) polyester
In what month is Jewish New Year?
a) August
b) September
c) October
d) November
What was on the chain that Ellen wore?
a) a cross
b) a diamond
c) a swastika
d) the Star of David
What hair color did both Lise and Ellen have?
a) blond
b) red
c) dark
d) gray
How is Henrik related to the Johansen's?
a) Annemarie's older brother
b) Peter's brother
c) Mama Johansen's brother
d) He is not related
What is Mr. Johansen's plan to hide Ellen if the soldiers come to the apartment?
a) He will say she is his niece
b) He will say she is his daughter, Lise
c) He will keep them from checking the bedroom
d) He will have Ellen open the window and run.
In what city do Annemarie and Ellen live?
a) Abilene
b) Osterbrogade
c) Copenhagen
d) Sweden
Why was Annemarie running?
a) She was afraid of the soldiers.
b) She wanted to get away from Kirsti.
c) She was practicing for the races for school.
d) She was late for an appointment
Besides the Hirsch family, what other family in the story is Jewish.
a) The Rosen's
b) The Mitchell's
c) The Henrik's
d) The Trump's
What is Mr. Berns's favorite pro football team?
a) Broncos
b) Cowboys
c) Chiefs
d) Raiders
What is the next book we are going to read called?
a) The Penguins
b) How to be a Longhorn
c) Hoot
d) James and the Giant Peach
Who is the author of Number the Stars?
a) Steven Spielberg
b) Lois Lowry
c) Lebron James
d) Hillary Clinton
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