SW Asia SS7G6/7 Question Preview (ID: 38749)

SW Asia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Desalination means:
a) Removal of sand to improve irrigation
b) Saving water for drip irrigation
c) Removal of salt from water
d) Using hydroelectricity to create salination

This country has no fresh water:
a) Saudi Arabia
b) Iraq
c) Iran
d) Turkey

Two of the biggest natural resources in the Middle East are:
a) oil and petroleum
b) natural gas and oil
c) water and coal
d) oil and sand

Which country is the most oil rich in the Middle East?
a) Israel
b) Afghanistan
c) Pakistan
d) Saudi Arabia

How much of the world's oil supply is found in the Middle east?
a) 25%
b) 33%
c) 50%
d) 80%

The Bedouins of the Middle East have traditionally lived in the:
a) Urban cities
b) River banks
c) Deserts
d) Mountains

Disputes over what natural resources are problematic for many Middle East countries?
a) sand and water
b) water and oil
c) oil and sand
d) natural gas and oil

In dry climate countries like Afghanistan and Iran, how would farmers water crops?
a) Ventilation
b) desalination
c) relocation
d) irrigation

A major environmental issue facing the countries of the Middle East is the pollution of the
a) The Persian Gulf due to oil spills.
b) The air due to the Arabian Brown cloud created by industrial pollution.
c) The fertile delta of the Jordan River valley due to agricultural runoff and industrial waste.
d) The Jordan River due to oil spill

The majority of Saudi Arabia is covered in what landform?
a) mountains
b) deserts
c) seas
d) rivers

What non-renewable natural resource has contributed to the growth of the Middle East?
a) water
b) oil
c) trees
d) grass

The climate of the Middle East has led much of the region to experience a scarcity of
a) farming
b) soil resources
c) trade routes
d) rainfall

Known as desert nomads that make a living by trading animals and handmade goods.
a) Bedouins
b) Swahili
c) Arabs
d) Persians

Underground water that has been trapped for years and once it's used it's gone forever.
a) drip irrigation
b) fossil water
c) irrigation
d) rainfall

An expensive, yet efficient type of irrigation where water is measured for each plant by a computer.
a) fossil water
b) irrigation
c) drip irrigation
d) rainfall

Many individuals in SW Asia work doing this.
a) Irrigation
b) oil industry, service work, and construction
c) teachers
d) mountain climbing

Growing small amounts of food for personal or limited local needs- not for making money.
a) Subsistance Farming
b) arable farming
c) pastoral farming
d) mixed farming

Where most people live in SW Asia( Middle East)
a) deserts
b) near coal mines
c) near water sources and jobs
d) mountains

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