Civics And Economics Review Question Preview (ID: 38729)

Section 6 - 2014 SOL. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

1. Patrick Henry 2. George Mason 3. James Madison 4. George Washington. which leaders opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1787?
a) 1 and 2
b) 3 and 4
c) 1 and 3
d) 2 and 4

'A strong national government is needed to facilitate commerce, manage foreign trade, provide for the national defense, and conduct foreign relations.' A person making such a statement would most likely favor the -
a) Treaty of Paris
b) Articles of Confederation
c) Declaration of Independence
d) Constitution of Untied States

Thomas Paine's publication of Common Sense influenced many American colonists to support the -
a) formation of loyalist groups
b) concept of capitalist economies
c) idea of separation from England
d) purchase of territory from France

The principles of Declaration of Independence led to increase social participation over time by -
a) supporting low taxes
b) creating the two - party system
c) promoting civil rights
d) promoting a strong government

John Marshall was instrumental in strengthening the -
a) State Department
b) Federal Reserve
c) Electoral College
d) Supreme Court

'Booming business -______ - Value of stocks dropped' Which phrase best completes this diagram?
a) Foreign tariffs increased
b) Demand for good declined
c) Overspeculation of investments
d) Failure of banks

The founders of Rhode Island had different views from Massachusetts Puritans on -
a) enslaved workers
b) private property
c) indentured servants
d) religious tolerance

John Locke's political theory was based on the idea that individuals -
a) obey their king
b) free their slaves
c) need spiritual salvation
d) possess natural rights

Which Nascar driver has the most championships?
a) Johnson and Earnhardt
b) Petty and Earnhardt
c) Petty and Johnson
d) Martin and Petty

Which Nascar driver has the most wins?
a) Gordon
b) Pearson
c) Petty
d) Allison

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