Native Americans Question Preview (ID: 38628)
Native American Unit.
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Where were the Native Americans located in the United States
a) New England
b) California
c) New Mexico
d) An assortment of places all around the US
How did the Native Americans make their clothes?
a) Fabric
b) They went to the mall
c) Tanned deerskin
d) They did not wear clothes
Which is not a role of Native American women?
a) Farming
b) Property
c) Family
d) Hunting
Which is not a role of Native American men?
a) Cleaning
b) Hunting
c) Trading
d) War
What was the use of a wampum?
a) Currency
b) Religious ceremonies
c) Story telling
d) All of these options
What kind of shelter did the Plains Native Americans use?
a) Pueblos
b) Teepees
c) Longhouses
d) Plank houses
What was the Northwestern Native Americans main source of food?
a) Deer
b) Water/Aquatic animals
c) Corn
d) Squash
How many tribes make up the original Iroquois Confederacy?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6
Which shelter can hold the most of people?
a) Teepees
b) Plank houses
c) Pueblos
d) Longhouses
When did the English settlers start settling in American/taking over the Native American tribes?
a) 1700's
b) 1500's
c) 1600's
d) 1400's
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