Ch 1 Democracy In Action Vol. 1 Question Preview (ID: 38483)

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The Republicans and Democrats have developed in this country as major
a) proletariat
b) types of government
c) capitalists
d) political parties

The form of democracy we have in this country is called
a) direct democracy
b) democractic socialism
c) representative democracy
d) democratic fascism

A totalitarian dictatorship is this form of government
a) republic
b) autocracy
c) oligarchy
d) democracy

The effort to control or influence of government is called
a) politics
b) manipulation
c) ideology
d) constitutional law

Someone who favors a free market economy without government interference in personal liberties is best described as
a) social conservative
b) Christian democrat
c) liberal
d) libertarian

He was the ruler of England during the American Revolution.
a) George III
b) Henry VIII
c) Leopold
d) Napoleon Bonaparte

Communist countries have this type of economy
a) capitalist
b) free market
c) command economy
d) fascist

This is the institution through which the state maintains social order.
a) national guard
b) republic
c) government
d) politics

This ancient Greek scholar was one of the first students of government.
a) Machiavelli
b) Michaelangelo
c) John Locke
d) Aristotle

Adam Smith provided a philosophy for this type of economic system.
a) fascist
b) free market
c) socialist
d) communist

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