PS Unit 1 - Setting Project Requirements (Part 2) Question Preview (ID: 38481)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The author of the book has some ideas for the cover but you need more information. Which of the following should you discuss with the author BEFORE beginning the project?
a) Is this book part of a series or has a recurrent character and would influence the style of the cover?
b) Are the demographic factors involving occupation and residence important in the design of the project?

The author of the book has some ideas for the cover but you need more information. Which of the following should you discuss with the author BEFORE beginning the project?
a) Who is the target audience?
b) Are the demographic factors involving education and ethnicity important in the design?

An iterative sketch is one deliverable you will need to provide to your client. What is an iterative sketch?
a) A rough mock-up of design approaches for the project, which can change over time
b) A rough sketch of the project
c) A framework for the project
d) A sketch of the final design of the project

You have been asked to work on the design for the cover of a new book. The author of the book would like to use a picture of a couple he has taken in the park. What needs to be done to use this image?
a) A model release needs to be signed by the individuals in the picture
b) The author needs to authorize use of the picture

You have been asked to work on the design for the cover of a new book. You need to develop a project plan for this assignment. Which of the following items should you include in this project plan?
a) Create a basic layout of the book cover
b) Identify the problems, or scope creep, that will occur while working on this project

Which of the following correctly describes a Copyright?
a) The exclusive right to copy, distribute, and profit from a work
b) The temporary right to copy someone else's work
c) The amount of copies you can legally make of another person's work

Which is NOT a factor when determining which kind of images to include in your project for a target audience?
a) Purpose of the project content
b) Your own stylistic preference
c) Desired goals of the client
d) Age of the audience

Which of the following is NOT a phase involved in a project plan?
a) Budget discussion
b) Planning and analysis
c) Publishing
d) Testing

When using photographs of models, why is it important to obtain a model release form?
a) The prove that the models agreed to work for the company
b) To ensure that your company legally has permission to use and publish the photographs, without restriction to alteration

Which of the following would be a DELIVERABLE you will need to provide when working on a project?
a) Design comps
b) Due dates

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