Unit 1: Natural Texas And It's People Question Preview (ID: 38451)

Natural Texas And It's People. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is TRUE of all American Indian groups in early Texas?
a) They almost destroyed their environment by using it up and moving on.
b) They adapted to and used their environment to meet their needs.
c) They ignored their environment, creating ways of meeting their needs without natural resources.
d) They used up one natural resource, then learned to use another to meet their needs.

In determining the lifestyle of American Indians in early Texas, which of the following would likely provide the BEST information?
a) databases and graphs
b) media and news
c) biographies
d) artifacts

Kiowa : craftsmen :: Jumanos : __________
a) nomads
b) buffalo hunters
c) Fishermen
d) traders

Which of the following describes the population patterns of Texas during the Natural Texas and Its People era?
a) American Indian tribes were most populous along the border with Mexico.
b) Large cities were located in the Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains region.
c) Most of the population was concentrated in the Mountain and Basin region.
d) Nomadic groups inhabited the Plains region and settled groups lived in East Texas.

How does the physical environment of coastal Texas compare with that of the Mountain and Basin region?
a) Coastal Texas has more rivers.
b) Coastal Texas has a higher elevation.
c) The Mountain and Basin region has more agriculture.
d) The Mountain and Basin region has long summers and warm winters.

When traveling from east to west across the state of Texas, which of the following describes the changes in physical geography that occur?
a) The elevation decreases.
b) The elevation increases.
c) Wide open prairies span all across Texas.
d) Canyons and basins turn into coastal plains

In which region of Texas did the Comanches live?
a) Gulf Coast
b) Mountain and Basin Region
c) East Texas
d) Great Plains

What physical feature is common in both the Great Plains and the Coastal Plains regions of Texas?
a) Lack of significant water resources
b) Cold winters and humid hot summers
c) Flat land suitable for farming or ranching
d) Major cities with large metropolitan areas

The Caddo that originally lived in East Texas were also living in which geographic region?
a) Great Plains
b) Coastal Plain
c) Central Plains
d) Mountain and Basin region

Which of the following describes the defining characteristics of the era of Natural Texas and Its People in Texas history?
a) American Indian tribes lived in Texas and adapted to the environment.
b) Spanish explorers and American Indian tribes both claimed land in Texas.
c) Conflicts between European settlers and American Indian tribes were common.
d) European settlers in Texas learned about the culture of the American Indian tribes.

How were the Coahuiltecan similar to the Karankawa?
a) They were mound builders.
b) They were primarily buffalo hunters.
c) They were nomads along the Gulf Coast.
d) They were mainly farmers who traded with other tribes.

Why is Natural Texas and Its People considered an era in Texas?
a) It is recognized by American Indians as their only historical era.
b) It is a time that defines Texas culture today.
c) It introduces the first contacts between all native groups and Europeans.
d) It defines a time for study of both geographic causes and historical effects on

In which region of Texas did the Jumano live?
a) Great Plains
b) Gulf Coastal Plain
c) Mountain and Basin Region
d) Central Plains

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