Noun, Pronoun, Or Adjective? Question Preview (ID: 38388)

A Twenty Question Quiz Over Nouns, Pronouns, And Adjectives. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: The denim jacket belongs to HER.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: THAT was a big mess!
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: Take YOUR homework and turn it in.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: HAPPINESS depends on how you look at life.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: If THAT is your answer, then you are wrong!
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: For MYSELF, I prefer banana bread warmed up.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: JOE'S little sister is annoying!
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: The FLOWER pot had a crack in it.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: We attended a WEDDING over the weekend.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: Their WEDDING date was marked on the calendar
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: The FRONT door was left open, and the cat got out.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: WHOSE phone is this?
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: Grandma made us a DUTCH apple pie.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: THESE are the best oranges I have ever had.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: Is SHE your cousin?
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: MY ankle is sprained and really hurts.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: I want to order A steak for dinner!
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: The CLEVER detective solved the crime.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: Since YOU are too busy, I will ask Chad to the movie.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

Is the word in all capital letters a noun, pronoun, or adjective: This rotisserie chicken is DELICIOUS.
a) noun
b) pronoun
c) adjective

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