Middle East Geography Question Preview (ID: 38368)

Southwest Asia Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

what connects the red sea to the mediterranean sea?
a) suez canal
b) suzie canal
c) persian gulf
d) strait of hormuz

countries that have limited freshwater are forced to search from other sources such as
a) desalination from the persian gulf
b) digging in the desert
c) digging the suez canal
d) they stay thirsty

what has the greatest impact on daily lives of Israelis?
a) irrigation conflicts with jordan
b) irrigation conflicts with syria
c) irrigation conflicts with turkey
d) irrigation conflicts with afghanistan

In order to increase the amount of water available for human consumption in the Middle East, most governments have been forced to reduce the amount of ____________ ___________ that is allocated to rural areas, which has caused widespread farm failur
a) irrigation water
b) irrigation equipment
c) farming oil
d) farming mules

What MOST LIKELY determined the location of Baghdad in Iraq?
a) proximity to a river
b) proximity to oil
c) proximity to the ocean
d) proximity to kuwait

How is the distribution of the cities in Southwest Asia a reflection of its geography?
a) Most major cities are located near coastlines and/or rivers
b) most cities are in the desert
c) most cities are in the mountains
d) most cities are on an island

Why might these larger countries have such a low population density?
a) much land lacks access to water
b) much land lacks access to oil
c) much land lacks access to bordering countries
d) banana splits

Which of these BEST explains the importance of Judaism in World History?
a) it was first monotheistic faith
b) it was second monotheistic faith
c) it was third monotheistic faith
d) it was fourth monotheistic faith

What religion is not only practiced today but also served as the foundation for both Christianity and Islam?
a) judaism
b) christianity
c) islam
d) hinduism

· Give charity to the needy. · Make a pilgrimage. · Fasting during the holy month. · Pray five times each day.
a) islam
b) christianity
c) judaism
d) hinduism

Which is the common aspect of the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
a) monotheism
b) bible
c) church
d) quran

Who is credited as being the father of Judaism
a) abraham
b) jesus
c) mohammad
d) moses

The cities of Mecca and Medina were vital to the foundation of what religion?
a) islam
b) christianity
c) judaism
d) hinduism

In terms of religion, most Persians are
a) shia
b) sunni
c) christians
d) kurds

most arabs are
a) sunni
b) shia
c) christians
d) jews

ethnic group lives mostly in iran
a) persians
b) kurds
c) arabs
d) sunnis

Language, clothes, food, ancestry The characteristics above describe
a) ethnic group
b) religious group
c) historical group
d) bananas

share beliefs
a) religious group
b) ethnic group
c) hollands group
d) jones's group

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