How To Use A Computer Question Preview (ID: 38357)

The Questions Are Based Off Of Nearpod Presentation Given By Mr. Watson. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What makes up what you see on a computer? This is what makes computers easier to use for common people like you and me.
a) Harddrive
b) Monitor
c) GUI
d) Finder

A list of instructions that tell your computer what to do.
a) Owner's Manual
b) Program
c) GUI
d) Finder

Used to explore and manage the drives, folders, and files on the computer.
a) Hard Drive
b) Google Chrome
c) Desktop
d) Finder

Which is an example of cloud storage
a) Hard drive
b) OneDrive
c) Thumb Drive
d) External Hard drive

used to open contextual menus, which are pop-up menus that change depending where you click.
a) Left-click
b) Double- Click
c) Click and Drag
d) Right-click/Two-finger click

What is the 3rd step of saving a file
a) What to name it
b) where to save it
c) what type of file to save it as
d) n/a

How do you quit the application you are currently using.
a) command + S
b) command + shift + Q
c) command + Q
d) command + P

_____________________is the screen you see after you log on
a) Desktop
b) Operating System
c) Screen Saver
d) Laptop

Small pictures located on the desktop that represent files, folders, programs, and other items.
a) Windows Explorer
b) thumbnails
c) icon(shortcuts)
d) preview

An item that contains information in the form of text, graphic, sound, and/or video,
a) RAM
b) Folder
c) File
d) Program

Part of the keyboard that performs certain functions depending on the computer and program open.
a) Navigational keys
b) Alphanumeric keys
c) Control keys
d) Function Keys

Used for many common computers tasks such as selecting objects, opening hyperlinks, and closing windows.
a) Double-Click
b) Right-Click/Secondary Click
c) Navigational Keys
d) Left-Click

Used to open programs, folders, and or select text.
a) Right-click
b) Drag and Click
c) Single-Click
d) Double-Click

When you click a file and press the delete button it....
a) deletes it permanently
b) uploads it to the RAM
c) Sends it to the trash bin
d) Beams it up to TREK

Which of the following storage devices are considered local storage.
a) Hard drive (My Documents)
b) iCloud
c) Jump Drive
d) Network Drive

The ____ allows you to see a customized view of all your applications.
a) Mission Control
b) Launchpad
c) Finder
d) Dock

Which of the following devices is considered external storage?
a) iCloud
b) Student folder (network)
c) Hard drive
d) Flash drive

Which program will open files using the file's default application?
a) iTunes
b) Microsoft Word
c) Finder
d) Launchpad

The first step of saving something is selecting...
a) Where to save it
b) what type of file
c) what to name it
d) n/a

The 2nd step of saving a file is selecting
a) what type of file to save it as
b) what to name it
c) where to save it
d) n/a

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