Reading Mastery Review Lessons 1-40 Question Preview (ID: 38346)
Lessons 1-40 Review Reading Mastery.
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What are clouds made of?
a) cotton
b) tiny drops of water
c) puffs of air
d) steam
Why do female animals fight in the spring?
a) they don't like each other
b) they are mean
c) to protect their babies
d) they want to find a mate
Which two Alaskan animals are dangerous in the spring?
a) polar bears and killer whales
b) foxes and rabbits
c) tigers and cheetahs
d) lions and tigers
Which 3 animals are cold blooded?
a) hamsters, guinea pigs and chinchillas
b) horses, cows and pigs
c) cats, dogs and bunnies
d) snakes, lizards and sharks
What kinds of animals lived in the Mesozoic?
a) dogs
b) dinosaurs
c) cats
d) squirrels
Most of the things we use every day were invented after the year...
a) 1600
b) 2017
c) 1800
d) 2020
Choose the three things that were not invented by a person.
a) phones, cars, trains
b) trees, dirt, birds
c) airplanes, bicycles, televisions
d) radios, desks, ice
Which way does melted rock have to flow to come out of a volcano?
a) up
b) down
c) left
d) right
How do you know how many times a hailstone has gone through a cloud?
a) by letting it melt
b) you can't know
c) by watching it go through the cloud
d) by counting it's rings
How many Great Lakes are there?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
How long ago did dinosaurs live on the Earth?
a) one hundred million years ago
b) one year ago
c) one hundred years ago
d) yesterday
The men who invented the first airplane saw a need. What was the need?
a) to study the clouds
b) airplanes are cheaper than cars
c) they thought it was fun to fly
d) to get to places faster
Where are most wild geese born?
a) North America
b) South America
c) Canada
d) Mexico
In which direction do geese fly in the fall?
a) north
b) south
c) east
d) west
What is the first thing you do when you think like an inventor?
a) find a need
b) talk to people
c) make something
d) draw an idea
What is the second thing you do when you think like an inventor?
a) talk to people
b) meet the need
c) take a nap
d) find a problem
What part of the earth gets more heat than any other part of the earth?
a) the poles
b) Nebraksa
c) the equator
d) the oceans
What parts of the earth get less heat than any other parts of the earth?
a) the poles
b) Nebraska
c) the equator
d) the oceans
The heat the earth receives comes from the...
a) moon
b) earth
c) sun
d) clouds
The sun shines...
a) some of the time
b) none of the time
c) all of the time
d) when it feels like it
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