BIOLOGY CHAPTER 1 VOCABULARY Question Preview (ID: 38312)

Biology Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) main branches of Biology
b) group of cells that have similar abilities that allow the organ ro function
c) tiny group of structures that carry out functions necessary for the cell to stay alive
d) hereditary information is not combined and a new organism is genetically the same

a) organism is made up of one cell
b) the response of the change in an experiment
c) group of cells that have similar abilities that allow the organ to function
d) an educated guess as to why something happens

scientific method
a) an organized approach to solving a problem
b) structure that contains DNA for one trait
c) the process by which an organism becomes a mature adult
d) communities of living species and their physical environment

a) the maintenance of a stable level if internal conditions even when external changes occur
b) the thing being changed in an experiment
c) the process by which an organism becomes a mature adult
d) the smallest unit that can perform all life processes

control group
a) the ability to change over time
b) provides a normal standard to compare results to
c) hereditary information recombines from two organisms of the same species
d) the group with the dependent variable

a) the branch of biology that studies organisms
b) the independent variable
c) the act of producing new organisms like themselves
d) a unicellular organism

a) the study of life
b) the study of man
c) the study of all things interacting
d) the study of ecosystems

dependent variable
a) the response to a change in the experiment
b) the part of experiment that doesn't change
c) the part of the experiment you change
d) another word for hypthesis

sexual reporoduction
a) the act of passing on genetic information from the same organism
b) the act of passing on genetic information from the different organisms
c) traits that improve and organisms ability to survive
d) specialized cells meant to carry out life

cell division
a) organism made of up of many cells
b) the formation of two new cells from an existing cell
c) two cells come together to make a new one
d) a physical change in the organisms environment

a) hereditary information is not combined and a new organism is genetically the same
b) a physical or chemical change in the environment
c) traits that improve an individuals ability to survive
d) the thing changed in an experiment

a) the thing changed in an experiment
b) the ability to change to enhance life
c) a possible explanation for answering a problem
d) hereditary information is not combined and a new organism is genetically the same

a) the thing changed in an experiment
b) organism made up of many cells
c) an organism that has abilty to reporduce
d) an organism that has the ability to change

a) branch of biology that studies organisms interacting with each other and environment
b) branch of biology that studies organisms interacting with each other and food sources
c) branch of biology that studies organisms interacting with each other for survival
d) branch of biology that studies organisms interacting with each other and chemical reactions

a) group of cells that have speciifc function
b) process by which organism becomes mature adult
c) a way of making something new
d) a process by which we study animals

a) the part of the animal that cannot change
b) the smallest part of a ecosystem
c) the smallest unit that can perform all life processes
d) the structure that helps in reproduction

a) branch of biology that studies organisms interacting with each other and chemical reactions
b) traits that improve an individual's ability to survive
c) the maintenance of a stable level if internal conditions even when external changes occur
d) communities of living species and their physical environment

a) process by which an organism becomes a mature adult
b) the study of life
c) sum of all chemical reactions that take in and transform energy from environment
d) ability to process information

natural selection
a) the ability to select reproductive methods
b) sum of all chemical reactions that take in and transform energy from environment
c) an organism's ability to adapt
d) organisms that have favorable traits for survival

experimental group
a) the point of doing an experiment
b) the group that remains constant throughout the experiment
c) identical to control group with one variable that is different
d) the group that needs to be observed

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