Map 1: Countries And Capitals Question Preview (ID: 38222)
Identify The Countries.
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Bogota is the capital of...
a) Colombia
b) Peru
c) Chile
d) Uruguay
Santiago is the capital of...
a) Ecuador
b) Bolivia
c) Chile
d) Uruguay
Asuncion is the capital of...
a) Colombia
b) Paraguay
c) Bolivia
d) Peru
La Paz is the capital of...
a) Bolivia
b) Paraguay
c) Chile
d) Uruguay
Bueos Aires is the capital of...
a) Chile
b) Bolivia
c) Argentina
d) Paraguay
Lima is the capital of...
a) Ecuador
b) Colombia
c) Venezuela
d) Peru
Quito is the capital of...
a) Venezuela
b) Chile
c) Ecuador
d) Uruguay
Montevideo is the capital of...
a) Uruguay
b) Argentina
c) Paraguay
d) Chile
Caracas is the capital of...
a) Peru
b) Venezuela
c) Argentina
d) Bolivia
What runs along the Eastern side of Chile?
a) mountains
b) river
c) Uruguay and Colombia
d) Amazon foreset
What are the TIerra del Fuego?
a) mountains in Peru
b) a forest in Brazil
c) lots of tiny islands
d) a drug cartel
Which body of water is located on the western side of South America?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Amazon River
c) Caribbean Sea
d) Pacific Ocean
The Amazon Rainforest is almost as big as...
a) the United States
b) the planet
c) the Pacific Ocean
d) Texas
Which body of water is located on the eastern side of South America?
a) the Andes
b) the Atlantic Ocean
c) the Amazon River
d) the Pacific Ocean
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