Word 2013 Lesson 11 And 12 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 37691)
Word 2013 Lesson 11 And 12 Vocabulary.
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In a mail merge, the symbols ( and ) that surround the field name in the merged document.
a) chevrons
b) data source
c) database
d) field names
A file that contains information to be merged in the main document during a mail merge.
a) chevrons
b) data source
c) database
d) field names
A collection of information that is organized so that a user can retrieve information quickly.
a) chevrons
b) data source
c) database
d) field names
In a mail merge, the description for the specific data, such as a person's first name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, to be merged from the data source.
a) chevrons
b) data source
c) database
d) field names
In a mail merge, the document that contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of the merged document.
a) chevrons
b) data sournce
c) main document
d) database
A code digitally signed by a company or person.
a) digital signature
b) hacker
c) macro
d) master document
A person who writes vicious macros with viruses.
a) digital signature
b) hacker
c) macro
d) master document
A series of command to automate a task.
a) macro
b) hacker
c) master document
d) subdocuments
The main document from a Word file; it is organized into smaller sections.
a) digital signature
b) hacker
c) master document
d) subdocument
The sections within the document that have been separated into smaller sections.
a) hacker
b) macro
c) master document
d) subdocument
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