Word 2013 Lesson 9 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 37638)
Word 2013 Lesson 9 Vocabulary.
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All changes and comments are displayed on the document.
a) allmarkup
b) antonym
c) autocorrect
d) balloons
Is the opposite meaning of a word, i.e., good and bad.
a) all markup
b) antonym
c) autocorrect
d) balloons
A command that automatically completes the text of the current data, day of the week, and month.
a) all markup
b) anotonym
c) autocorrect
d) balloons
Shaded blocks of text used for comments appearing on the right side of the document.
a) all markup
b) antonym
c) autocorrect
d) balloons
Another way of displaying comments, instead of using balloons on the right, is to display them within the paragraphs of text itself.
a) inline
b) lock tracking
c) markup
d) no markup
Prevents changes being made to a document. The document is protected with a password.
a) inline
b) lock tracking
c) markup
d) no markup
A markup is a version of a document with comments and revision marks displayed for easy viewing.
a) inline
b) lock tracking
c) markup
d) no markup
The document is displayed as a final copy.
a) inline
b) lock tracking
c) markup
d) no markup
Displays the document in the original version.
a) original
b) person card
c) simple markup
d) synonym
Identifies the person who reviewed the document.
a) original
b) person card
c) simple markup
d) synonym
Displays a red line near the left margin.
a) person card
b) balloons
c) inline
d) simple markup
Has the same meaning as another word.
a) synonym
b) original
c) antonym
d) inline
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