Middle Ages Question Preview (ID: 37629)

Middle Ages Review For Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Under Germanic law, if an accused person was unharmed after a physical trial, or ________, (s)he was presumed innocent
a) brainwashing
b) gauntlet
c) quartering
d) ordeal

Saint Benedict founded a community of Monks that:
a) established the basic form of Monasticism in the Catholic church
b) grew large enough to print their own money
c) became infamous for their idle and lustful lifestyle
d) tortured and killed those who would not convert to christianity

The most important gift a lord could give a vassal was
a) piece of land
b) daughter in marriage
c) a boat
d) a gold ring

Vassalage was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold
a) True
b) False

in 1066, William of Normandy
a) tried to invade England, but was soundly defeated by King Harrold's forces
b) was forced to sign the magna carta
c) called for the death of Thomas A Becket
d) invaded, England, soundly defeating King Harold's forces at the battle of Hastings

The Magna Carta was a document that
a) established peace between the Normans and the French
b) eventually was used to strengthen the idea that a monarchs power was limited, not absolute
c) conceded power over the courts to the Roman Catholic Church
d) established the first English parliament and defined its power to grant taxes and pass laws

The Venetian leaders of the fourth crusade
a) led a children's crusade that ended with victory
b) saw an opportunity to neutralize the Byzantine empire and diverted their army to Constantinople
c) massacred the inhabitants of Cairo, including women and children
d) were forced to return to Europe after half of their forces perished in storms at sea

At the heart of feudalism was:
a) the knight, who was the enforcer of the lord and a protector of the lord's lands
b) Serfdom, which meant that all non-vassals lobored to support the serfs
c) the grant of land made to loyal vassals, which was known as a fief
d) Vassalage, which meant warriors swore loyalty to a lord, who in turn took care of their needs

Justinian's codification of Roman law resulted in:
a) the domesday book
b) the body of civil law
c) the Magna Carta
d) the Divine Comedy

The struggle between Henry the IV and Gregory VII was known as
a) the Investiture controversy
b) the seven years war
c) the magna argument
d) the Concordat of worms

___________ literature wa sliterature written in the language of everyday speech in a particular region
a) vernacular
b) biblical
c) philosophical
d) complex

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