Planet Test Question Preview (ID: 37517)

Planet Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which list is organized from smallest to largest?
a) planet, galaxy, solar system ,universe
b) solar system, planet, universe galaxy
c) universe, solar system, planet, galaxy
d) planet, solar system galaxy, universe

A planet's orbit is most like
a) a perfect circle
b) a long, narrow oval or ellipse
c) nothing, planets rotate; they do not orbit
d) a rectangle

Why is the moon not a planet?
a) the moon is smaller than any planet
b) the moon doesn't have an atmopshere
c) the moon has craters
d) the moon orbits a planet not the sun

This planet is smaller than Earth
a) Uranus
b) Saturn
c) Jupiter
d) Mars

This planet is the hottest in the solar system
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mars

How is Saturn different from Earth?
a) Earth is made of mostly rock, while Saturn is made mostly of gas
b) Earth has a moon, Saturn does not have any moons
c) Saturn is closer to the sun than Earth
d) Saturn is smaller than Earth

The Earth is very different from other planets in the solar system because it has the most......
a) liquid water
b) solid rock
c) volcanoes
d) high winds

Which planet is characterized by polar ice caps, rust colored surface and craters?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mars

The inner planets are different than the outer planets mainly because they are
a) larger
b) comprised of rock
c) denser
d) colder

Which planet is closest to the sun?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Mercury
d) Venus

Earth seems to be the only planet in the solar system that can support life. ALL BUT ONE of these is a reason why life is found only on Earth
a) it has plate tectonics which creates mountains and valleys
b) it is the perfect distance from the sun
c) a moderate climate
d) the presence of water on Earth

Which of these is NOT large and gaseous?
a) Jupiter
b) Mercury
c) Saturn
d) Uranus

The planet Neptune is larger than the planet Venus. Yet you can see Venus from with a naked eye, and definitely with a pair of binoculars. But for us to see Neptune, we would need a strong telescope. This is because
a) Neptune is so far from Earth, and Venus is so much closer
b) most of Neptune's mass is gas and we cannot see gas
c) Our planet rotates counterclockwise
d) Neptune is on the opposite side of the sun

A difference between the inner and outer planets is
a) The shape of their orbits
b) Inner planets are dense; outer planets are not
c) Their composition
d) Outer planets are small; inner planets are big

Gravity on the moon is about 1/6 the gravity felt on the Earth. This is because
a) The moon is so far away from the Earth
b) The moon has less mass than the Earth
c) The Earth has a core and the moon does not
d) The moon is so much further from the sun than the Earth

Why does Earth orbit the Sun rather than any other body in the solar system?
a) The movement among all the planets hold Earth in its orbit
b) The Earth is closer to the Sun than the other bodies in the solar system
c) The Sun is the most massive object; gravitational attraction is related to mass
d) The rotational motions of all planets; including Earth, cause them to remain in orbit around the Sun

Which planetary body has the greatest gravitational pull?
a) Jupiter
b) Neptune
c) The Moon
d) The Earth

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