Driving Distracted Question Preview (ID: 37448)
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Distracted driving is caused by
a) the driver's mind wandering for no reason
b) the driving falling asleep at the wheel
c) nothing in particular
d) a specific event that takes the driver's focus off the driving task
When driving, when should you adjust your seat and mirrors?
a) when stopped at a red light
b) while driving, sou you can immediately see better
c) when stopped in a parking lot, before entering traffic
d) you never need to adjust your seat and the mirrors
The most common form of aggressive driving is
a) Swerving in traffic
b) Speeding
c) Rolling through stop signs
d) Yelling at other drivers
Excessively loud vehicle sound systems
a) can make it hard for the driver to hear other vehicles
b) can create an auditory distraction for other drivers
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
Which driving time period would most likely have road rage involved?
a) Commute home from work
b) Commute to work
c) Running errands
d) Driving on the weekends
Drinking a soft drink while driving
a) is okay if you use a cup holder
b) helps keep the driver focused on the driving task
c) is only a problem if the driver spills the drink
d) is a biomechanical distraction
Blood alcohol concentration is
a) the percentage of blood in a person's bloodstream
b) the percentage of alcohol in a person's bloodstream
c) a machine that determines the amount of alcohol in a person's bloodstream
d) something related to drowsy driving
Which group of people are most likely to experience road rage?
a) Young males
b) Older males
c) Young females
d) Older females
Compared to older, more experienced drivers, young drivers are
a) more likely to be distracted by passengers
b) less likely to be distracted by passengers
c) exactly as likely to be distracted by passengers
d) much less likely to be distracted by passengers
Which 3 documents does a driver need in case he/she is pulled over by a police officer.
a) Registration
b) License
c) Proof of insurance
d) All of the above
Which of the following could become a projectile?
a) an air freshener on the rear view mirror
b) a tissue box on the rear window ledge
c) a pair of sunglasses on the dashboard
d) All of the above
A law that makes it illegal for people under age 21 to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in the blood.
a) Depressant Law
b) Zero tolerance law
c) Maggie's Law
d) 2020 Law of Illegal Driving
_______ a payment made monthly, twice a year, or yearly for the insurance policy
a) Deductible
b) Claim
c) Premium
d) Policy
Compared to inside the vehicle distractions, how much control do drivers have on outside the vehicle distractions?
a) They have more control
b) They have less control
c) They have the same amount of control
d) They have no control over either.
Long line of backed up traffic at a crash scene are most often caused by
a) the crash itself
b) police officers slowing down traffic
c) drivers gawking and rubbernecking at the scene
d) debris in the road
Traffic backlogs caused by gawking are a major cause of
a) side impact collisions
b) head on collisions
c) fast moving traffic
d) rear end collisions
When leaving a stadium parking lot after a major sporting event, you should
a) try to exit as quickly as possible
b) pay attention to surrounding traffic that create conflicts to your path of travel
c) pay attention to pedestrians that create conflicts to your path of travel
d) pay attention to traffic and pedestrians that create conflicts to your path of travel
Examples of Aggressive Driving include
a) Speeding
b) Weaving through traffic
c) Rolling through stop signs
d) All of the above
Comprehensive coverage
a) covers the other car in an accident.
b) covers your car in an accident
c) covers theft, weather damage such as hail, or hitting an animal.
d) covers you if someone doesn't have insurace.
_______________ the amount you must pay before the insurance company will pay.
a) Deductible
b) Claim
c) Policy
d) Actual Cash Value
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