On-Demand Writing Review (SPAM/Attack The Prompt) Question Preview (ID: 37395)

Reviewing SPAM And Attacking The Prompt. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How many steps are there in Attacking the prompt?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

What is the first step in attacking the prompt?
a) Read the title
b) Read the prompt
c) Read the situation
d) Circle or underline important words

What is the second step in attacking the prompt?
a) Read the prompt
b) Reread the prompt
c) Circle or underline important words
d) Identify SPAM

What is the third step in attacking the prompt?
a) Read the prompt
b) Reread the prompt
c) Identify SPAM
d) Circle or underline important words

What is the 4th step in attacking the prompt?
a) Read the prompt
b) Reread the prompt
c) Identify SPAM
d) Circle or underline important words

The S in SPAM refers to situation. What question do we ask in this step?
a) What type are we asked to write?
b) Who are we writing to?
c) What background information do we know?
d) Why are we writing?

The P in SPAM refers to purpose. What question do we ask in this step?
a) What type are we asked to write?
b) Who are we writing to?
c) What background information do we know?
d) Why are we writing?

The A in SPAM refers to audience. What question do we ask in this step?
a) What type are we asked to write?
b) Who are we writing to?
c) What background information do we know?
d) Why are we writing?

The M in SPAM refers to mode. What question do we ask in this step?
a) What type are we asked to write?
b) Who are we writing to?
c) What background information do we know?
d) Why are we writing?

Why should we attack the prompt?
a) To better understand the question and what it's asking
b) To give us a guide to start pre-writing
c) to make sure we address the correct audience
d) All of the above

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