Psychology Ch. 15 Review Question Preview (ID: 37130)

Psychology Ch. 15 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

IQ tests measure which of the following?
a) College Readiness
b) Potential Intelligence
c) Vocational Skills
d) Academic Achievement

IQ tests measure potential intelligence; achievement tests measure college readiness.
a) True
b) False

In regards to data collection, outliers refers to...
a) normalized data that strays from the norm
b) abnormal data that strays from the norm
c) individuals who have a hard time fitting in society
d) all of the above.

The SAT and how it is used has often been criticized because
a) some research supports the claim that the test is biased against minorities.
b) wealthier people have an unfair advantage when preparing for the test.
c) it can make mistakes of up to 20 or 30 points.
d) of all of the above.

While completing a projective test, the test taker theoretically projects his or her
a) personality.
b) intelligence.
c) surface traits.
d) problem-solving skills.

Which of the following scales is included in the MMPI-2?
a) a scale to determine whether the questions were understood
b) an anxiety and depression scale
c) all of these
d) a scale to detect lying

Which of the following is considered an ethic of testing?
a) Subjects can refuse to take personality tests.
b) Young people must get the permission of a parent or guardian before taking a personality test.
c) One's score on a personality test should remain private.
d) All of the above.

The Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory asks test takers to
a) agree or disagree with various statements.
b) fill in blanks.
c) complete several long essays.
d) complete numerous short-answer essays.

The California Psychological Inventory, most often used in schools, measures
a) test anxiety and phobias.
b) self-acceptance and the desire to achieve.
c) depression and other moods.
d) interests and academic ability.

Vocational interest tests usually have
a) average validity.
b) high validity.
c) poor validity.
d) no validity.

If a test is valid, it will
a) accurately measure both personality and intelligence.
b) not have to be standardized.
c) measure what it is supposed to measure.
d) be all of the above.

Which of the following would be an example of a situational assessment?
a) asking people to volunteer by participating in a research study
b) interviewing a small group of subjects
c) observing whether or not people are willing to help others in a staged experiment
d) administering an interest test

While completing the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), the test taker must
a) report what he or she sees in an ink blot.
b) make up stories after viewing a picture.
c) assemble an incomplete picture.
d) do all of the above.

Personality inventories that measure beliefs and desires are most likely
a) multiple choice tests.
b) essay tests.
c) fill-in-the-blank tests.
d) short answer tests.

Norms are designed to reveal
a) whether a test measures what it is designed to measure.
b) patterns of answers for different groups of people.
c) whether a test includes any biases.
d) whether a test can be standardized.

When a person with one negative characteristic is assumed to have other negative traits, this is known as the
a) reverse halo effect.
b) halo effect.
c) standoutishness effect.
d) aptitude effect.

When a person who has one positive characteristic is assumed to have other positive traits, this is known as the
a) halo effect.
b) reverse halo effect.
c) standoutishness effect.
d) aptitude effect.

When someone does or wears something that is so startling, it distracts observers from noticing one’s real abilities, this is known as
a) the halo effect.
b) the reverse halo effect.
c) standoutishness.
d) the aptitude test.

Researchers purposely ask a question about a specific topic only once to make sure they are getting normalized responses.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following is an example of a projectile test?
a) the Rorschach ink blot test
b) the ACT
c) a driving test
d) MMPI-2

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