The Bird's Peace Question Preview (ID: 37127)
A Fun Review Testing What You Remember From The Story And Yesterday's Discussion Of One-person Dialogue.
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A conversation with a non-verbal listener is...
a) Dialogue
b) One-person dialogue
c) Monologue
d) Thinking
What type of birds where in the story?
a) Sparrows
b) Crows
c) Robins
d) Parrots
Why is Kristy upset at the beginning of the story?
a) Because someone at school pushed her
b) Because her mom grounded her for yelling at her dad before he left
c) Because she hadn't seen birds in over a year
d) Because her father is going off to war and doesn't know how to shoot a gun
What type of song does Flutter sing to the stranger at first?
a) An invitation song to come over and play
b) An insult song to tell the bird how badly it sings
c) A ''stay-off-my-property'' song to keep bird away from the nest
d) A sad song because his mate left the nest
A long formal speech from one character to an audience is...
a) Dialogue
b) Acting
c) Monologue
d) One-person dialogue
Two friends talking to each other is an example of...
a) Dialogue
b) Monologue
c) Silence
d) Debate
A boy talking to his dog is an example of...
a) Monologue
b) One-person dialogue
c) Insanity
d) Dialogue
Can talking to a non-verbal listener help express your emotions, release tension and make you feel better?
a) I don't know
b) No
c) Yes
d) I'd rather not say
What are the names of the bird's in the story?
a) Flint and Dulce
b) Fred and Ethel
c) Flute and Dulcimer
d) Flutter and Dulce
How does Kristy express her emotion in the story after observing the birds?
a) She writes
b) She reads
c) She dances
d) She sings
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