FLASH Review Game Question Preview (ID: 37106)
FLASH Review 4/17/17.
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There are many different types of _________ but the most important thing about this relationship is they care about each other.
a) family
b) aquaintances
c) strangers
d) helpers
This is a person who you don't know and have never met before.
a) helper
b) friend
c) stranger
d) family
This is a person who I like and they also like me.
a) stranger
b) helper
c) aquaintance
d) friend
This is a person who I have met a few times. I know their name and where they work.
a) acquiantance
b) family
c) friend
d) stranger
What is a helper?
a) Someone I like and someone who likes me
b) A person who helps you and might touch you as part of the care that they give.
c) A person I haven't met before.
d) A friend.
The bathroom at home is private when...
a) Door is open
b) Door is shut and locked.
c) I am alone and the door is shut and locked.
d) Always
The living room at my home is a....
a) private place
b) public place
Helpers can
a) always touch me
b) touch me if I give permission and it's part of the care that they give
c) never touch me
Acquaintances are usually a
a) no touch relationship
b) touch relationship
How would you greet bus driver Tayna if you saw her at the grocery store this weekend?
a) Give her a really long handshake and multiple high fives
b) Give her a kiss
c) Give her a hug
d) Wave and say Hi Tayna
True/False: It is NEVER ok to tell a doctor, don't touch me.
a) True
b) False
True/False: It is ALWAYS ok for family to touch me.
a) True
b) False
It is (SOMETIMES, ALWAYS, or NEVER) ok to say no to touch from a friend.
a) Sometimes
b) Always
c) Never
True/False: It's ok to tell my mom not to touch me.
a) True
b) False
Where at VOICE is an ok place for sexual touch?
a) Computer Lab
b) Bathroom
c) School bus
d) Nowhere at VOICE
I feel ________________ when I am part of a team.
a) Good
b) Bad
Positive self-esteem is when I feel _____________________ about myself.
a) Bad
b) Good
c) Negative
d) Self-Esteem
When I am alone in the computer lab @ VOICE, I am in a _______________ space.
a) Public
b) Private
True/False My favorite job coach at VOICE is my friend and it's ok for me to add them on facebook.
a) True
b) False
True/ False. I am so excited to see my friends everyday at VOICE and it is ok for me to hug them every time I see them.
a) True
b) False
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To play games using the questions from above, visit ReviewGameZone.com and enter game ID number: 37106 in the upper right hand corner or click here.
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