7th Grade SS SLO Reveiw Game Question Preview (ID: 37103)
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Who was the young Macedonian military commander who was responsible for spreading Hellenistic culture to the Mediterranean world in the early B.C. 300’s?
a) Hannibal
b) Scipio
c) Alexander
d) Brutus
The original Olympic games were held every 4 years to honor which Greek God?
a) Zeus
b) Athena
c) Aphrodites
d) Posiedon
Which of the following means, 'Greek City-State'.
a) Agora
b) Phalanx
c) Polis
d) Accropolis
Helots were….
a) Spartan Slaves
b) Spartan military men
c) Athenian representatives
d) Athenian priests
Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Persian War?
a) The Persian Empire began its decline
b) Athens became a more powerful force in Greece
c) The Delian League was formed
d) Sparta was overthrown by the Athenian Navy
What is it called when a place is ruled by a single king or queen?
a) Monarchy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) Theology
The Trojan war is a story told in what book?
a) Torah
b) Macbeth
c) The Illiad
d) Bible
Which Greek scientist established the principles of geometry?
a) Pythagoras
b) Hippocrates
c) Socrates
d) Giaus Marius
One of the legends of Rome’s origins traces back to twin brothers
a) Alexandria and Armenes
b) Romulus and Remus
c) Rombus and Renus
d) Commandus and Wallace
Why did the Romans establish a Republic?
a) to prevent corruption or abuse of power by a single person.
b) because they wanted to give a single ruler the ultimate authority to make military decisions.
c) to ensure that there was a balance in power between the rich and the poor.
d) to give every citizen equal say in government.
Romans changed old Greek fighting strategies of fighting in rows to groups of smaller, more agile groups called...
a) Gladius
b) Tanks
c) Legions
d) Phalanx
How long was a Roman senator’s term?
a) 5 years
b) Until the next war
c) Life
d) 1 year
Which of the following best describes the phrase, “Pax Romana”?
a) Roman Peace
b) A time of famine
c) A time of plague
d) Roman Dark Ages
Where did Romans go to be entertained by 100 days of games?
a) The theater
b) The Colosseum
c) The Ocean for naval battles
d) The Parthenon
Who was the first emperor of Rome who ruled for 40 years, until 14 A.D., instituting the most reforms of any emperor?
a) Caligula
b) Nero
c) Augustus
d) Tiberius
The 5 “Good Emperors” were among the best emperors in Roman history. Which one of these was NOT one the great achievements in Roman infrastructure under their rule:
a) Bridges and roads
b) Arches
c) Water aqueducts
d) Gunpowder
The “First Triumvirate” of leaders in Rome in 60 BC were made up of Crassus, Pompey and _________:
a) Arelius Caesar
b) Julius Caesar
c) Augustus Caesar
d) Hannibal
The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and .....
a) Carthage
b) Egypt
c) Syria
d) Israel
During the Punic wars, the unique use of what animal helped Hannibal’s army achieve success in Northern Italy?
a) Gators
b) Elephants
c) Hippopotamus
d) Tigers
Julius Caesar overthrew Pompey’s army after Crassus died. Caesar then ruled for 4 years before being killed in a plot by what 2 senators?
a) Brutus and Cassius
b) Augustus and Brutus
c) Hannibal and Cicero
d) Cassius and Clay
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