Wordly Wise 20 Question Preview (ID: 37100)
Wordly Wise 20.
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What does apathy mean?
a) a lack of interest or concern
b) anything that causes harm
c) the condition of being different of having differences
What does badger mean?
a) to keep bothering
b) a lack of interest or concern
c) anything that causes harm
What does delude mean?
a) to mislead;to deceive
b) to keep bothering
c) a lack of interest or concern
What does detriment mean?
a) anything that causes harm
b) to keep bothering
c) to mislead;to deceive
What does diversity mean?
a) the condition of being different of having differences
b) to mislead;to deceive
c) to give off or sent out
What does emit mean?
a) to give off or sent out
b) the condition of being different of having differences
c) a group of plants or animals that are similar in some ways
What does species mean?
a) a group of plants or animals that are similar in some ways
b) to give off or sent out
c) causing harm; poisonous
What does toxic mean?
a) causing harm; poisonous
b) a group of plants or animals that are similar in some ways
c) anything that causes harm
Which of the following is toxic when you eat it?
a) Bleach
b) Candy
c) Bread
Which of the following is NOT an example of diversity?
a) Wearing uniforms at school.
b) Having a lot of different choices for lunch.
c) Going to school with kids from a lot of different countries.
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