Energy Kase's Class Question Preview (ID: 370)

Energy Sources And Types (Kase's Class). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the major use for petroleum?
a) Heating
b) Electricity Production
c) Transportation
d) Mining

How is natural gas transported?
a) Pipeline
b) As a pressurized liquid
c) By truck
d) It must be flown in by helicopter

What is the major use of coal?
a) Gasoline production
b) Producing electricity
c) Transportation
d) Mining

Wind is the result of the uneven heating of the Earth's surface
a) true
b) false

Natural Gas is a yellow gas
a) true
b) false

This colorless, odorless gas is transported under pressure as a liquid to rural homes
a) Coal
b) Gasoline
c) Natural Gas
d) Propane

Stored Energy and the energy of position are examples of
a) Kinetic Energy
b) Electrical Energy
c) Potential Energy
d) Stored Mechanical Energy

Compressed springs and stretched rubber bands are known as having:
a) Thermal Energy
b) Electrical Energy
c) Stored Mechanical Energy
d) No energy

The vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within substances is called heat or:
a) Electrical Energy
b) Sound
c) Thermal Energy
d) Chemical Energy

The energy stored in the center of an atom is:
a) Electrical Energy
b) Sound
c) Chemical Energy
d) Nuclear Energy

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