S6ch12.4 Vocabulary Review Question Preview (ID: 36960)
Water In The Atmosphere....
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A form of energy that can travel through space.
a) electromagnetic waves
b) greenhouse effect
c) scattering
d) sound
The process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor
a) condensation
b) evaporation
c) precipitation
d) collection
The percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount the air can hold
a) precipitation
b) relative humidity
c) humidity
d) condensation
The process by which molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water
a) evaporation
b) humidity
c) precipitation
d) condensation
The temperature at which condensation begins
a) dew point
b) humidity
c) 0 degrees Celsius
d) 32 degrees Fahrenheit
Clouds that look like fluffy rounded piles of cotton that bring fair weather
a) cumulonimbus
b) stratus
c) cumulus
d) cirrus
Clouds that form in flat layers that often bring drizzle, rain, and snow
a) cumulonimbus
b) stratus
c) cirrus
d) cumulus
Wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that mean a change in weather.
a) cumulonimbus
b) stratus
c) cirrus
d) cumulus
Towering clouds that produce thunderstorms, tornadoes and hail.
a) cumulonimbus
b) stratus
c) cirrus
d) cumulus
A person that studies the weather
a) ecologist
b) meteorologist
c) geologist
d) weatherologist
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