Energy Part 2 Kase's Class Question Preview (ID: 369)

Energy Sources And Types (For Julie Kase's Env. Sci Class). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The movement of energy in longitudinal waves is known as:
a) Electrical Energy
b) Sound
c) Chemical Energy
d) Thermal Energy

The energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules is known as:
a) Electrical Energy
b) Sound
c) Chemical Energy
d) Nuclear Energy

The movement of electrons produces:
a) Electrical Energy
b) Sound
c) Thermal Energy
d) Nuclear Energy

The energy of position is known as:
a) Geothermal Energy
b) Motion
c) Gravitational Energy
d) Radiant Energy

The movement of atoms, molecules, waves, and electrons is known as:
a) Kinetic Energy
b) Potential Energy
c) Electrical Energy
d) Stored Mechanical Energy

The Law of Conservation of Energy is the scientific rule that states that energy can be created , but never destroyed.
a) true
b) false

The movement of objects from place to place is known as:
a) Geothermal Energy
b) Motion
c) Gravitational Energy
d) Radiant Energy

The amount of useful energy is known as:
a) Energy Conservation
b) Energy Guide
c) Photovoltaic Energy
d) Energy Efficiency

Fission and Fusion are examples of
a) Electrical Energy
b) Sound
c) Nuclear Energy
d) Thermal Energy

X-rays are examples of
a) Geothermal Energy
b) Motion
c) Gravitational Energy
d) Radiant Energy

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