Imperialism And World War I (1880-1920) Question Preview (ID: 36486)

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In the late 1800s, which reason led to the United States to give greater attention to the world beyond its borders?
a) Fear of revolution in Latin America
b) Fear of Russian expansion into Alaska
c) Interest in finding places to settle surplus population
d) Interest in obtaining markets to sell surplus goods

The Spanish-American War brought about a major change in United States foreign policy in that the United States
a) Gained the Panama Canal
b) Became a colonial power
c) Lost vast amounts of land to Spain
d) Ended its policy of intervention

A major reason the United States began to seek colonies during the late 1890s was that the
a) Monroe Doctrine required such action
b) Expansion of American industry made acquiring new markets and additional resources desirable
c) Population pressures within the United States had become more severe
d) Cold-War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union has heightened

Why was there increased interest in building a canal across Central America in the late 1800s?
a) The United States had acquired colonies in the Pacific region
b) Tariffs on Chines and Japanese products had ended
c) The main source of immigration had shifted from northern Europe to southern Europe
d) Transcontinental railroads had not yet been completed

Which United States policy is most closely associated with the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines?
a) Neutrality
b) Imperialism
c) Isolationism
d) International cooperation

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (Big Stick Policy) assumed the right of the United States to
a) Intervene in the internal affairs of a country in the Western hemisphere
b) Grant special privileges to big business in its economic transactions in Latin America
c) Grant financial aid to less developed countries
d) Disregard any or all parts of the Monroe Doctrines

Prior to US entry into World War I, why did US foreign policy change from neutrality to involvement?
a) The United States felt obligated to honor its commitments to its allies
b) United States interests were threatened
c) The public had elected Presidents who supported expansionism
d) American manufacturers lobbied for sales to belligerents

Which belief was the basis of Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere?
a) The United States can intervene in the Western Hemisphere to protect political stability and American interests
b) Each nation in the Western Hemisphere is entitled to full respect for its sovereign rights
c) The Monroe Doctrine has outlived its usefulness and should be ignored
d) European nations should be allowed to protect their interests in the Western Hemisphere

a) Yellow journalism
b) Muckraking literature
c) Investigative reporting
d) Government censorship

At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, most Americans believed that
a) Their country should stay out of war
b) Sending direct aid to Russia was necessary and desirable
c) The government should immediately declare war against Germany
d) The government should be more concerned with conditions in the Far East than with events in Europe

President Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points were proposals that he believed would bring about
a) A just and lasting peace
b) The containment of fascism
c) Reduction in the United States involvement in world affairs
d) A re-establishment of the prewar political situation in Europe

The 14 Points proposed by President Woodrow Wilson inspired hopes for a fair settlement of World War I because this program called for
a) An agreement among nations to establish military alliances
b) The return of Europe to its prewar political status
c) Establishment of economic sanctions against the Central Powers so they were powerless to start another war
d) The establishment of a world peace organization to guarantee independence for all nations

President Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points were intended to
a) Make the United States, Great Britain, and France into leading world powers
b) Redistribute Germany's colonies among the Allied nations
c) Prevent international tensions from leading to war
d) Punish Germany for causing World War I

Which situation was the immediate cause of the United States entry into World War I in 1917?
a) The League of Nations requested help
b) The Maine was blown up in Havana harbor
c) Nazi tyranny threatened Western democracy
d) German submarines sank United States merchant ships

Which event most influenced Woodrow Wilson's decision to enter World War I?
a) Defeat of Russia by Germany
b) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
c) Raids by Mexico on the southwestern United States
d) Renewal of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany

What was the purpose of the Zimmerman telegram?
a) Form an alliance between Germany and the United States
b) Convince several western states to secede from the United States
c) Bring Mexico into World War I on the side of Great Britain and France
d) Enlist Mexican support for Germany if the United States declared war

The publication of the Zimmerman telegram contributed to
a) A declaration of war against Mexico
b) The entry of the United States into World War I
c) The passage of the Treaty of Versailles
d) A restriction on immigration from Latin America

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