Progressive Movement Question Preview (ID: 36481)
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Which helped to bring about the enactment of federal meat inspection laws in the Progressive Era?
a) A decline in farm exports
b) Economic demands of the cattlemen
c) Writings of muckrakers
d) The unhealthy conditions of newly arrived immigrants
What was a primary goal of the Progressive Movement?
a) Correct political and economic injustices resulting from industrialization
b) Maintain the traditional laissez-faire attitude toward business
c) Encourage big business to become more efficient through mergers and monopolies
d) Solve the racial tensions that existed in northern industrial states
What was the Progressive movement MAINLY a response to?
a) Need to improve race relations in the United States
b) Pressure the United States experienced as a result of becoming a world power
c) Industrialization and urbanization of the United States
d) Demands of the post-Civil War Southern leaders for social change
The purpose of political reforms of initiative, recall, and referendum was to provide opportunities for citizens to
a) Gain greater control over their government
b) Control campaign spending by candidates
c) Reduce government spending
d) Increase voter turnout at elections
In the early 1900s, a commonly held belief by most Progressives was that
a) Deficit spending was essential to raise capital needed for reforms
b) Federal ownership of industry was necessary to correct society's problems
c) A return to weak central government would encourage business leaders to eliminate abuses
d) Legislation could help solve social and economic problems
Progressivism could best be characterized as a movement that
a) Encouraged involvement in international affairs
b) Trie to introduce a parliamentary system of government
c) Emphasized only the needs of farmers
d) Demanded reform at all levels of government
An important political aim of the Progressive Movement was to
a) Guarantee government jobs for the unemployed
b) Stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative and the referendum
c) Create a unicameral national legislature
d) Increase the participation of African Americans in the federal government
A major goal of reformers during the Progressive Era was
a) End segregation in the South
b) Correct the abuses of big business
c) Limit immigration from Latin America
d) Enact high tariffs to help domestic industry grow
Transition from deregulation to regulations, democratic reforms of corrupt political practices, and concern for the problems of workers and urban dwellers are part of what part of US history?
a) Reconstruction
b) Civil War
c) Progressive Era
d) New Deal
During the early 1900s, initiatives, recall elections, and referendum were changes made in many states to give
a) Citizens the right to choose presidential candidates
b) Voters greater direct participation in government
c) Workers more rights in the collective bargaining process
d) Business leaders more control over their industries
In the early 20th century, a major goal of Robert LaFollete and other Progressives was to
a) Start a civil rights movement for African Americans
b) Increase opportunities for citizen participation in government
c) Built support of imperialistic ventures in Latin America
d) Bring recognition to American artists and authors
Which action was taken by President Theodore Roosevelt's administration (and was inspired by John Muir)?
a) Forcing southern states to eliminate Jim Crow laws
b) Setting aside land for national forests and water projects
c) Refusing to intervene in Latin American affairs
d) Using federal troops to break illegal strikes
Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott were best known for their struggle to
a) Prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcohol
b) Form labor unions
c) Secure the right of women to vote
d) Expose government corruption
Passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act illustrated the federal government's commitment to
a) Environmental conservation
b) Business competition
c) Workers' rights
d) Consumer protection
The tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 1911 drew national attention to the need to
a) Restrict immigration from southern Europe
b) Establish full time fire departments
c) Protect the safety of workers
d) Improve conditions for tenement dwellers
Which Progressive Era muckraker's book led to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act?
b) Lincoln Steffen's THE SHAME OF CITIES
c) Upton Sinclair's THE JUNGLE
d) Frank Norris's THE OCTOPUS
The muckrakers provided a service to the public and inspired the Progressive movement by
a) Advocating for a strong military
b) Exposing abuses in business and government
c) Calling for a stronger use of executive power to strengthen civil rights laws
d) Arousing states to resist federal authority
During the Progressive Era, the muckrakers were most effective in reaching the public through their
a) Novels and articles in the popular press
b) Leadership roles in powerful corporations
c) Congressionl proposals
d) Participation in political campaigns
With which statement would the muckrakers most likely have agreed?
a) Government has a responsibility to protect corporations from foreign competitions
b) The results of government decision-making are more important than how those results were achieved
c) The media has no business prying into the private lives of presidential candidates
d) Honesty and ethics in government and business must be demanded by the peope
Which law was passed as a result of muckraking literature?
a) Interstate Commerce Act
b) Meat Inspection Act
c) Sherman Anti-Trust Act
d) Federal Reserve Act
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