The Middle East Israel And Palestine Conflict Question Preview (ID: 36440)

This Is Vocabulary For Our 7th Grade Unit On The Middle East. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This Canal is important because it saves ships from going all the way around Africa and it connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
a) Israeli Canal
b) Panama Canal
c) Von Trap Canal
d) Suez Canal

Israel went to was with the backing of Great Britain and France when this country nationalized the Suez Canal
a) Jordan
b) Iran
c) Lebenon
d) Egypt

A movement to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine after Jews were persecuted in Europe.
a) Wutangism
b) Zionism
c) Monotheism
d) Israelism

War in which Israel wins the territories of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Sinai Peninsula (from Egypt) and Golan Heights (from Syria)
a) War of 1947
b) Six-Day War
c) First Intifada
d) War on Terror

A group led by Yasser Arafat to regain the land of Israel for Palestinian Arabs
a) Israeli Special Commision
b) Syrian Organization of Freedom
c) Arab League
d) Palestinian Liberation Organization

Peace agreement in which Israel agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in return for Egypt's recognition of Israel's right to exist and a guarantee of peace.
a) Camp David Accords.
b) Summer Camp Accords
c) Fargo Accords
d) The Gza Genius Accords

President of Egypt who signed Camp David Accords, later assassinated by Arab extremists because he agreed to recognize Israel.
a) Ariel Sharon
b) Anwar Sadat
c) Sadaam Hussien
d) Osama Bin Laden

Breaking into parts; the act of dividing or separating; example: the separation of land by the creation of boundaries that divide the land into different political parts
a) Unite
b) half
c) position
d) partition

The Jewish homeland that was in the Torrah
a) Palestine
b) Lebenon
c) Israel
d) Egypt

Religious city that is important to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
a) Bethlehem
b) Mecca
c) Constantinople
d) Jerusalem

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