Text Features Review Question Preview (ID: 36425)
Text Features Review.
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words that appear at the bottom of a picture that describe the picture
a) heading
b) subheading
c) caption
d) index
tells you the main idea of the entire passage
a) subheading
b) title
c) glossary
d) caption
an illustration or photograph that has labels or numbers
a) diagram
b) glossary
c) heading
d) table
the title of a specific section or paragrpah within an article
a) subheading
b) caption
c) title
d) index
has a number or asterisk next to a word or phrase that coorresponds with a number at the bottom of the page
a) caption
b) heading
c) footnote
d) subheading
a list of important words to know with definitions within the passage
a) index
b) glossary
c) titile
d) footnote
if you want to find out what page to find information about a specific topic-where would you look?
a) glossary
b) index
c) caption
d) bullet points
You look at an illustration that shows the water cycle process. What are you looking at?
a) index
b) glossary
c) table
d) diagram
found at the front of a book or text that tells what pages certain topics are discussed
a) caption
b) table of contents
c) golssary
d) heading
words that the author wants you to pay close attention to. THey are typically larger and darker than normal text.
a) bullet points
b) index
c) bold words
d) illustrations
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