THE CONGO Question Preview (ID: 36365)

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Fat black bucks in a ___________ room
a) wine-barrel
b) forest
c) lamb
d) congo

barrel house kings with feet unstable sagged and reeled and ___________ on the table.
a) pounded
b) rounded
c) sounded
d) founded

pounded in the table beat an empty barrel with the handle of a _______
a) broom
b) brook
c) brought
d) creeping

Hard as they were able BOOM....BOOM....___________
a) golden
b) boom
c) flip
d) rattle

With a silk ______ and the handle of a broom. BOOMLAY BOOMLAY BOOMLAY BOOM.
a) Umbrella
b) boomlay
c) table
d) handle

Then I head the boo then I had religion, then I had a ______
a) vision
b) mision
c) sagged
d) kings

I could not turn from their revel in _________
a) forest
b) derision
c) host
d) roaring

Then I saw the congo_________ through black.
a) mountains
b) tune
c) creeping
d) terrible

Cutting through ______ with a golden track.
a) pygmies
b) nation
c) forest
d) butterflies

The Congo by Vachel ______
a) sagged
b) vachel
c) linton
d) lindsay

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